Monday, November 8, 2004

Monday, Monday, Monday

Today was a fairly good day.  Kent and I got a lot done around the house.  We even planted some tulips in the flower bed.  Hopefully, they will come up nice and strong come spring time.  I hope so anyways.  I LOVE tulips, so I am hoping these do well and come back year after year.

We went over to visit with Kent's grandparent's today.  We stayed over there for awhile.  Kent's granny and myself were sitting on the porch talking when I hear Kent yell.  I looked up and saw him laying on the side of hill.  See, Kent and his grandfather were cutting down trees.  Kent had an ax and Kent's grandfather had a chainsaw.  Well, as Kent was walking down the hill, he lost his footing and fell ONTO the ax.  The ax hit him in the back of the head.  Thankfully, the ax was fairly dull so he only got a minor scratch and a bruise.  I just thought he had fallen and hit his head on the ground.  I had no idea he hit his head with the ax.  I am just thankful though that he is OK!

After visiting with the grandparents, we came home and got ready to go to the mall.  We ate at Chik-fil-a (sp?) and watched the Incredibles.  It was a lot of fun.  We also went and got Jon Kent some more clothes at BabyGap.  They were having a good little sale.  Now we are home and about ready for bed.  I have a doctor's appointment bright and early tomorrow.  So I will update yall on that later.  Until then...yall be good!!!

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