Friday, January 21, 2005

Four more years and four more pounds!!!

So did you all watched the Inaugural yesterday???  I did.  Only because Jon Kent was be sooo fussy and wouldn't let me put him down.  But it was nice.  We ended up falling asleep together on the couch for about an hour or so.  Anyway, I watched most of the inauguration.  There was some interesting facts that they shared throughout the day.  It was on from 9am-3pm here.  All the activities that the President did that day would have worn be out!!  And the night before he went to a lot of different events!  It made me tired just thinking about all the stuff he was going to be doing throughout the day.  Anyway...woohoo for four more years!

I only have 4 more pounds to lose until I am back at my pre-pregnancy weight!  I'm pretty excited about that!  After I get to that weight, I want to lose 10 more pounds.  I don't really HAVE to lose it...but I would feel better if I did.  I need to really get back into an exercise routine.  But it's just so hard to do that with a 2 month old.  It would be different if it was warmer outside...then that way I could take Jon Kent with me on walks or what not.  But it's just been too cold around here to do that.  So I just try and stay up and walking throughout the day...doing laundry, cleaning, etc.  Hopefully that will be good enough for now!

My friend had her baby Wednesday night.  After pushing for 1 hour and 15 minutes, they decided that the baby was just too big to come naturally and the baby was also turned "funny".  So they took her through a c-section.  She weighed 8lbs and 11oz and was a little over 20 inches long.  She is sooo precious though.  Kent and I took Jon Kent to see her last night and he just looked at her and then looked away.  He didn't like it though that I was holding her.  He kept leaning towards me while I was holding Jade.  Almost like, "put her down so I can come to you".  It was sweet.  And Jade is absolutely beautiful!!!

Well, I need to go.  I have laundry to do and my day to start.  Jon Kent is asleep and hopefully he will continue to be for atleast another hour.  Anyway, I hope yall have a great Friday!!!

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