Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Not much to talk about...

Not much going on today.  In fact, NOTHING has really happened today to really write about.  Kent was off, so he spent some of his day in his "building" playing with his tool chest.  Jon Kent played in his swing and then slept in my arms for 2 hours.  It seems he is going through a phase where if he is asleep in his swing he will only sleep 20-30 minutes.  But put him in my arms and he is out for 2 hours!!!  It's sweet...just hard to get anything done that way.  But they are only this little once...so I will happily deal with it.

I have chicken, veggies, and red potatoes (yes I know they are veggies too) slow cooking in the crock pot.  And it smells OH SO GOOD!  It will be done here in a few minutes.  I can't WAIT!!!!  I am STARVING!  I have been doing the Special K Challenge...you know...eat a bowl of cardboard for breakfast and a bowl for lunch and a "reasonable dinner" and you will lose 6 pounds in 2 weeks.  Well, I started it on 1.7.05 and here it is 1.11.05 and I have lost 2 pounds.  Woohoo!  Go me!  I have 5 more "pregnancy pounds" to lose and I will be at my pre-pregnancy weight.  After that it's 10 more pounds to get to my goal weight.  I'm hoping by May I am at my goal weight.  It will be a nice birthday present for me (May 13th  =)  ). 

Well...for someone who didn't have much to talk about...I have seemed to get a nice little entry out!  Well...it's supper time...my tummy is GROWLING!  Yall have a great Tuesday night!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All three of my kids were that way too.  Now I wish I had some of those days back :-(  I love the Special K with strawberry's and will add a banana and have that for dinner quite often.  We're not very traditional eaters around here and we're all on different schedules.  Anyway, have a nice night!  Pamela