Sunday, January 16, 2005


Jon Kent is giggling.  It's the cutest thing EVER!  He has been smiling for awhile now, so I knew the giggles weren't too far away.  It's not out right laughing...just a little giggle with a smile.  But it is soooo sweet.  Yesterday when he was SUPPOSED to be sleeping, I heard little giggles coming from his swing.  It was sweet.  I couldn't help but giggle myself.  And some thing else he has started doing is cooing.  I think it's the cutest when we are driving in the car and I hear him in the back seat "talking".  It melts my heart!  He has also started "trying" to suck his thumb.  He will get it in there, but can't keep it in there.  It's amazing how much he is learning to do in just the past 2 weeks or so.  He is also holding his head up pretty well.  After awhile it gets heavy and he will get tired.  But for the most part he is holding it up fairly well.  My baby is growing up!  *sniff, sniff*

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 3:30pm.  It's for a second opinion about my blood pressure.  Hopefully he will say that I don't need to go on any medicine.  I just can't see taking that medicine for the rest of my life.  And I have been checking my blood pressure and everytime I do, it comes back fine.  So I don't know.  I guess I will know more about it tomorrow.

Jon Kent has his 2 month check up Tuesday.  I'm anxious to see how much he has gained and how much taller he has gotten.  He has gotten really "plump" in the past month.  We also have to get his shots done Tuesday as well.  I'm REALLY not looking forward to that!!  But it's some thing that needs to be done....still don't have to like it though!

Well, I need to go.  My house is a mess and the trash NEEDS to be taken out.  Yall have a good Sunday night!!!!

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