Jon Kent got 4 shots today...FOUR!!! It was HORRIBLE!!!
He was already fussy because the pedi messed with his...little manhood...because she was making sure the skin wasn't growing back from his circumcision. Anyway, I had to hold him down while the nurse gave him the shots. After the first one he let out this horrible scream that I have never heard before. I knew it was a cry of pain. I felt like the worst mother in the world.
He cried all the way through the next 3 shots. But by the time we got to the car he was out. He has slept off and on all day as well. I guess the Tylenol is taking away some of the pain and making him sleepy. But his naps aren't good can tell he isn't really rested after he wakes up. Poor baby....
Anyway, here are his stats from the appointment...
His one month check up he was 9 pounds and 21 inches long. Today at his two month check up he was 12 pounds and 2 ounces and 23 inches long. He's a growin'!!!!
I went and bought groceries today. It took me FOREVER to shop for all the "new" stuff we needed for this "cardboard diet" I'm going on. But it's cheaper to buy "healthy" than it is to buy the regular fattening food. I kept having to check all the labels to make sure it wasn't too fatty or had too much know all the good stuff has to be taken out... Anyway...I guess you could say I officially started the diet tonight...we'll see how far it takes me...
I have made a "list of chores" to do during the week. I get so overwhelmed during the day thinking about all the stuff that I need to do. Plus, with the baby and lack of sleep I get most nights...the next day my brain is mush so it will just be easier to look at the list and see what I have to do that day. Hopefully, it will work out for me... I swear...some days I think I have an OCD with cleaning....
And last but not least JADE! Who is Jade you may ask? Well, she is my friend's baby girl. My friend is currently in the hospital trying to deliever JADE. If she hasn't done anything by tomorrow morning, they are going to break her water and get things going. The doctor told my friend that Jade will probably weigh around 8lbs and 15ozs. All I have to say is OUCH!!!'s hoping that Jade comes soon!!!! Jon Kent needs someone to play with!!!!
Well, that is all for now. I'll update yall tomorrow on all the happenings around me!!! Later!!!!
Just let me know what you want to do tomorrow. If you want me to cancel the tooth thing, I will. Let me know by email or early.
yes i made an appointment with sears. they did a great job. they do take walk-ins though. check their website for good coupons. we used one for 39 pictures of one pose for $9.99. course we paid $9.99 per person for a sitting fee too though. but we're getting 39 pictures in a package plus a free 8 x 10 with just a little over $30! not bad if you ask me. portrait sheets are normally about $15 a piece so that's an awesome price. there's some others that might be more what you're looking for. just look around. they'll have some there too. :) can't wait to see the pictures you get done.
sorry that little man had aweful shots today. :( hope he doesn't have too much pain the next couple days from them.
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