Saturday, January 1, 2005

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everybody!!!!  I can't believe it's 2005!!!  The year just seems to fly by now that I am getting *older*...LOL! 

So how did Kent and I celebrate the ringing in of the new year????  *giggles*  Get your mind out of the gutter!!!  We slept through it!  LOL!  It was the first year in a loooooooong time (it very well could have been the first time) that I have actually missed ringing in the new year.  But I guess I will live.  We stayed up long enough to watch the ball drop in NYC and then we headed to bed.  So I guess we did celebrate...just with a different time zone (central here).

Baby update:  He's doing good.  I believe he has a slight tummy ache.  Nothing horrible...just enough to make him fuss a little bit.  BUT he has been sleeping a lot better.  The other night he slept from 9pm-5am (mommy was VERY excited) and then last night he slept from 9:15pm-4:30am.  So he has been sleeping VERY well.  But soon as I write this and he goes to bed, he will be up every two hours.  Whew, I hope not!!!  Anyway, he is doing good.  He will be 7 weeks old on Monday.  Which is kinda hard to believe.  My little man is growing up!  We go to the doctor in the middle of January...forget which day exactly....  I'm hoping he is over 10 pounds.  But he will have to get some shots while he is there...poor thing!

Tonight Kent, Jon Kent, and myself are eating over at my parent's house.  You know...eating greens, black eyed peas, and cornbread.  A good ole southern meal!  YUMMY!  My tummy is growling just thinking about it!

Well, I better get going.  Kent will be home soon and I still need to take a shower!  Yall be good and have a happy and safe New Year!

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