Sunday, January 30, 2005


Stupid AOL!!!  I changed the name of my journal to Kent, Emily, and Jon Kent.  Well, the stupid thing started my ticker over.  So instead of having the 22,000 or 23,000 whatever it's like 300 and something now.  UGH!!!  I swear! 

I am soooo sore right now.  Kent and I have been working out and I started lifting weights this past week.  And now my whole upper body is sore!  The longer I go through the day the worse it feels!  Kent finds it funny to come and rub on my sore muscles.  I on the other hand want to smack him everytime he does it...but I digress...

I am so sleepy.  Jon Kent slept really good last night but for whatever reason, I just can't seem to catch up on my own sleep.  One of these days I will get a restful night sleep...yeah right...but I can dream can't I???

Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment to check up on my blood pressure.  I am hoping that everything comes back fine.  If not, then it's medication for me!  Ick...  But I will survive.  The doctor knows that I DO NOT want to have to go on meds for a long time, so I am hoping we can figure a way for me not to have to stay on them long if I do have to take them.  I just can't see taking them for the rest of my life.

Well, I'm gone.  The couch is looking good!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just keep clicking on it and opening and get it back to 22,000  :-)   Pamela