Monday, September 12, 2005

Consignment dealings...

I am putting some of Jon Kent's old clothes into a consignment sale at the end of the month.  In order for me to be one of the first ones in to shop I have to have my stuff there by September 16th which is this Friday.  I figured it wouldn't take me long to get all the stuff together, but boy was I wrong.  It took me an hour and a half JUST to go through his clothes.  I haven't even started hanging, pricing, or arranging them by size yet.  Can we say "procrastinator"?  I hope it gets done in time.  I actually have until next Monday to get my things in and I would still be able to shop the first day, but it would only be for like 2 hours.  And that wouldn't be worth it to me.  So we'll see how it goes.  I hope to get some pricing done tonight after Jon Kent goes to bed.

Well, I am off.  I'll talk with yall later!  I hope you had a great Monday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Email me and tell me how this works...

Love Aunt KK