Monday, September 19, 2005

Warning: This is a vent

I am going to make this a quick little vent because Kent will be home soon and I like to be off of here when he gets home.

:::Again I am warning you, if you don't want to read my complaining I suggest you hit the little red X at the top of this page:::

OK, so I am almost 30 weeks pregnant.  That leave roughly 10 weeks to get things in shape and in order in my house.  Now, this may seem like a long time to you, but to me--not so much.  I have to "Fall Clean" my whole house.  I usually do this during November, but I figured with the baby coming and already having Jon Kent here that November would be pushing it.  SOOO, I made out a HUGE list of all the things I need to do.  Well, the first REAL chance I am going to have to really get that list done is the first week of October.  Which is only 2 weeks away--but since like 2 years away.  And to top it off, I do believe I am nesting.  AGHHHH!!!!  NOT THE NESTING!!!!  I want to throw EVERYTHING in this house OUTSIDE and bring it all back in PIECE BY PIECE--AFTER it has been spit shined.  But that isn't going to happen.  Also, i know that once I do clean everything, that I will have atleast 7 more weeks for it all to get dirty again before the baby comes.  And there is so much to do.  Clean out the clothes, clean under the bed, go through clothes, dust EVERYTHING, sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, bleaching, disinfecting, and so on and so on.  I swear I am literally fidgeting in my chair just thinking of all I need to do.  PLUS, I need to get everything ready for the baby.  I need to wash her clothes--heck I need to get her some clothes.  I need to organize her a spot in our bedroom, because that will be her bedroom too--at least until we get into the new house...the new house...don't even get me started on the new house.  AGHHHHH!!  And while I am feeling all of that "cleaning stress" I feel soooo guilty because there is Jon Kent...sweet little innocent Jon Kent.  He only has two and a half months left of being an only child.  And he doesn't even know it.  He thinks it just him and mommy and daddy.  But soon it will not just be the 3 of us...but the 4 of us.  Oh holy cow...there will be 4 of us.  I just freaked myself out.  I seriously need to calm down.  Things will be OK...  I am going to keep telling myself that....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Emily, i feel for ya at the same time i'm excited for ya!  .....just like when ya get married, things will work out on their own, don't worry!