Saturday, October 8, 2005

It's a wee bit chilly out there...

The weather finally seems to be changing from summer into fall.  It's was rainy all day yesterday and now it's a crisp Fall morning outside.  When I woke up this morning around 6:30am to get Jon Kent out of his crib and into our bed (he does it every morning now), I realized that it was cooler in the house than I thought.  When we all finally woke up around 7:30am the temp outside was around 63 degrees.  I would put up my windows, but I am waiting for it to warm up a little bit more.  Plus, when I think about putting the windows up it reminds me of the cats...which that is another story.

I have really been missing the cats.  More so than I thought I would.  I still swear sometimes that I hear them knocking around in one of the rooms.  Only for it to really be the house "popping or settling".  Kacie would always steal my ponytail holders during the night.  It didn't matter where I put it, she would always have it in the morning playing with it.  Well, now I put it on my nightstand and it is still there when I get up in the morning--which makes me sad some times.  I miss the company I always had in the mornings with Sammie as I would check my email.  She would always sit in the chair next to me and sleep.  I don't miss the fur balls left for me in the hallway, I don't miss having to sweep twice a day to keep their litter or cat food, that they spread all over the kitchen, off my feet.  I don't miss the flying fur every where every time I cleaned or tried to dust.  But in the end I DO miss my girlies.  *sigh*  I hope they are being taken care of and are enjoying their new home...

Well, I have clothes to fold and maybe a bathroom to clean.  I haven't decided yet if I will clean today.  I cleaned all day yesterday and got all my Fall Cleaning done except for the bathroom and mopping the floors.  I might get to it later, I might not.  Have a great Saturday everyone!!


Anonymous said...

It is 45 degrees here in Kentucky this mornin..i am  The high is only 63 for today....i'm not ready for this cold weather!!!

Anonymous said...

When did you get rid of your cats?  Wow..I never even realized you didn't have them!!  I have 2 cats as well..I don't think I have the heart to take them else where.  They are like my kids..hehe

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you are sad about your kitties.  I'm sure they miss you, too.  If you know in your heart  you did the right thing, then they'll be ok.  Just pray for their new owners, that they will love them adore them as much as you did.  

And congrats on your baby girl to be and new home!  What an exciting adventure to embark upon!!!  How much fun!!!  I am so happy for you!
