Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Just because

Nothing to really type about.  I just had the urge to write so I am.  In a few minutes or so, I plan on laying out.  I have been waiting on Kent's grandfather to finish cutting grass, so I can lay out without fear of having my limbs chopped off.  It has been known for me to lay out and have circles cut AROUND me while I tan.  So, now I just wait for him to finish.  I have been washing clothes...so far one load down and 3 more to go.  I had really gotten behind in my washing.  I was supposed to go get my nails done with a friend today, but I am going to have to cancel on account that washing clothes has to come first today.  Maybe later in the week we can go.  If not I'll just go by myself on Friday.  That way my nails will be fresh for the "big vacation".  We leave this Sunday for the beach.  CAN'T WAIT!!!!  Yall will have to manage not having a new entry while I am gone.  Are yall sad???  Probably not...lol.  Well, that is enough rambling for now...back to washing clothes...yall be good and if anything exciting happens I'll be back to let yall know!  Later! 


Anonymous said...

Of course we'll miss reading your journal entries while your gone..  ;)


Anonymous said...

I hope ya'll have a great time in Fl. I am burnt up...Uncle Freddie too..we had to go to the doctor to get pain medicine...OHHHHH!!!
Be good and be careful,
Aunt KK