Monday, December 13, 2004

Christmas shopping....DONE!

Oh yeah...that's right...I'm DONE!!!  Kent, Jon Kent, and myself finished it all up today.  Can we all let out a big...WOOHOO!!!!  It only took us about an hour because we knew what we were getting everyone who we had left.  It was a good time.  Jon Kent slept through it usual.  But we aren't complaining!!!  I have already wrapped all the gifts and they are under the tree.  I am very proud!!!

Well...the bottles have begun.  I have started pumping my milk for Jon Kent.  And honestly...we are both better for it.  Jon Kent in the past few days has had trouble latching for whatever reason and then when he would finally eat(which could take like 45mins to an hour) he would be fussy.  We thought maybe gas or whatever but after a few days of watching what I ate it still wasn't making sense.  So today I pumped and got like 4oz out.  Well...Jon Kent drank all of that.  Well he was STILL hungry.  So I got another bottle that was already pumped and he drank about an oz and a half of that.  From what I can tell I am not producing enough milk.  After we feed him he was as happy as he could be.  He was FULL!  AND the fact that Kent could give him the bottle and it wasn't all on me for once was kinda nice.  I was relaxed and happy that Jon Kent was getting what he needed and spending time with his daddy!!!

Well, I have rambled on long enough!  I'll talk with yall later!!!  BYE!

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