Friday, April 16, 2004


GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, like RIGHT AFTER I got off the internet and as soon as I signed off the phone rings.  It was my doctor.  Now, he never calls unless its bad or really good news.  So, he was like I got the results from your lab work and your progesterone was a 14.  14???  Now, I figured it would be a little low cause like 15-30 mins after I took it I threw maybe that could be a factor.  So, he said that he wants me to go back to two pills a day and to come in Monday morning at 7:30 and get another u/s done.  He said that at this stage in pregnancy that it shouldn't matter too much that my progesterone dropped like that BUT (I hate those buts) he wants to make sure. I am scared!!!  I told Kent that if we lose this one...I am DONE atleast for a few months...maybe after summer or whatever.  I'll probably go back on the pill for like 3 months or so.  But at the same time I am trying (and that is the keyword) to stay positive.  I just don't want to lose this baby.  I have seen it's little heartbeat and I already have fallen so in love with this baby.  I just don't know what to do.  I had to call Kent at work and barely could talk cause I was crying so hard.  He came home thankfully and took care of me.  Anyway, I guess Monday we will find out something.  PLEASE BABY!!!!  BE THERE WITH THE STRONGEST HEARTBEAT EVER!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about your drop....I'm saying a prayer for you.  Stay strong!  You heard and seen the heartbeat...that is a plus!  Not seeing one is a very bad sign, you know that!  I'm staying positive for you!
I'm here if you need me.

Anonymous said...

Hey sis...just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and my future niece or nephew

Big Bro

Anonymous said...

When I was pregnant I would throw up when I'd get very upset or nervous throughout the whole thing.  You're in my prayers.  :)