Friday, April 30, 2004



Well...nothing going on here.  It's cloudy outside so I automatically feel lazy...  I did manage to walk on the treadmill with my weights for about 25 minutes today.  But that is about it.  Today is just such a sluggish day for me.  Nothing to do and nothing that I would really want to do.  I feel good...just tired.  I "think" my morning sickness is a thing of the past and my tiredness doesn't come as often.  I have had some pulling down in my stomach...I guess the baby is just making room.  So that is a good thing.  I'm hoping within the next 2 months the baby will start moving around.  The doctor said that by the end of May I should be showing a lot more.  And by the first of July we should know what the baby is going to be.  I'm excited!  I can't wait for it to get here!  Hopefully time will fly by...  Until then...I need to clean up my house.  I used to clean it twice a week and now...I'm doing good if I clean it once a week.  I have washed clothes...speaking of which my dryer just went I guess I am off to fold clothes and clean my house!  Woohoo!  Well, I guess that is all for now!  I'll talk with yall later!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad everything is going so great for you!!  Let me know when you pop!!  