Saturday, April 3, 2004


UGH...I think I am sick.  No fun at all.  I have NO energy, I have a headache, my body is just TIRED and I just flat out don't feel good.  I was SO looking forward to Kent getting off of work tonight and taking care of me...BUT he got ORDERED to do overtime.  So, I want see him until sometime tomorrow morning.  UGH...I just want to roll up into a ball and cry.  Kent got to come home for like 30 minutes to get some food and his shots.  But then he had to go straight back to work.  UGH!!!!!!  The one night I feel like crap and just can't seem to get off the couch for more than 15 minutes, he has to work overtime....  I guess that is just life.  Well, I'm off to resume my position on the couch and hopefully start feeling better soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon!