Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Good news!

OK.  Many of you already know cause you have read my email already.  But here it goes again for those who haven't!  Today Nov. 11, 2003, I gave my heart to God.  I repented of my sins and gave my life to Him.  I have been struggling with it for a long time.  Finally, Kent just told me to close my eyes and imagine an elevator going down to my heart.  The doors open...what do I see...I saw nothing.  It was complete darkness.  I had to ask myself had I truly asked God to be my Savior and Lord.  Had there truly been a change in my heart.  The only answer I could give myself was no.  I knew then that I wasn't a child of God's.  I knew there would be no peace in my life until I was.  So, I gave my heart to God.  I meant it and I know that there will be a change in me.  I pray that each of you will keep me accountable to that.  I know that I am not perfect and I will sin, but this time I can ask Christ to forgive me of those sins.  And know that I was forgiven.  They are not just words anymore.  If anyone has any questions for me just email me and I will do my best to answer them.  Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you hon!!! *Ü*