Wednesday, November 26, 2003


I know that Kent and I have already put up our tree and took down the "fall decorations", but I just wanted to tell everyone what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving.  I am thankful for my salvation cause with out it I would be lost and going to hell.  I am thankful for a God who would send His only Son to die for me.  I am thankful for a family that loves me and supports me.  I am thankful for a child that I will never see on earth but is waiting for me in heaven.  I am thankful for a second chance from God to be a parent here on earth.  I am thankful for a husband who puts up with me even in my times of mood swings.  I am thankful for my health.  I am thankful for our may not be a lot but it puts food on the table and clothes on my back and I don't go to bed at night cold.  I am thankful for a country that still gives me freedom to practice my religion...even though it may not for long.  I am thankful for beautiful days after a storm.  I am thankful for so many things.  We all have something to be thankful for.  I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!!!

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