Saturday, November 1, 2003

I'm sad...

I'm sad.  I am on a pregnancy board called, "Maybe this Month", well one of the ladies had already gotten pregnant and she just hangs around and talks with us and just lets us know what is going on in her journey and stuff like that.  Well, I looked down and to see how far along she was and she is due March 2, 2004.  It hit me...I was due Feb 27, 2004 and by this time I would know the sex of the baby.  I would feel it kicking me and moving around.  I would be somewhat big by now and the world would know I was preggo just by looking at me.  It's so sad.  I know that I am TTC now and that one day I will have another chance for a baby, but it's hard not to be selfish and want the one I lost.  It stinks having to start all over again.  But one thing I do know is this...once that baby comes I will be glad for all I went through, because when I look into that baby's eyes and he/she looks back at me it will be soooo worth this.  It's just getting there that really is hard.  And watching people around me who got preggo the same time I did to be having all these new experiences.  I'll cope with it all...I just needed to get it off my chest...whew...I feel a little bit better.


Anonymous said...

I've been lurking on the MTM board for a long time. I'm glad you found them--they seem really nice, don't they? I hope you move on to a pregnancy circle board really soon!!!
You aren't selfish for wanting the baby you lost! Now you have a special angel watching over you...

Anonymous said...

I want you to know that I love you and I am praying that God will bless you and Kent with the baby that you want so much....Love,

Aunt Karen Kay