Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Like whoa

I can't believe I didn't post any yesterday!!!  I guess I was busy.  I didn't go to bed until like 9AM!!!  Kent was at work until 8:30AM and I just couldn't go to sleep!  I cleaned my whole entire house, I removed all the paints drips off the floor from painting, I read some chapters in a book I'm reading, I cooked Kent some pancakes, and I did anything I could think of to make me sleepy.  It never worked!  Oh well.  Yesterday was a pretty busy day.  I got up around 2 in the afternoon and helped Ket put in all the outlets and switches for our new room...well I mostly watched...but still.  I washed some dishes and cleaned out the kitty litter box.  I then cooked supper and it was pretty good.  We went to see Granny and Pops (Kent's grandparents).  We were trying to be sneaky and grab a ring of Granny's so we could size it and buy her another for her Bday.  We were successful!  We went to Wal-Mart to get her a Bday card and looked at their jewelry.  Nothing worth buying there.  We are going to Griffin's today (a town jeweler to is wonderful...expensive though) and see if we can find anything there.  After we went to Wal-Mart we went to my parent's house to see them and I had to pick up some stuff for a jewelry party I am having Nov. 18th!  If you live near by come and join the party!!!!  Anywho, after going to my parent's house we went to Kent's parent's house and talked with them about a few things for a bit.  Then we came home and watched Finding Nemo.  That is such a cute movie.  Too funny!!!!  It had me and Kent cracking up!  Anyway, after that we went to bed.  I woke up this morning about 5:30 and couldn't go back to sleep.  So here I am now...I am fixing to go hop in the shower and then we are off to Griffin's!  I'll hopefully write sometime later.  Byeeeeeee!

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