Yes, this is like the third entry in the past 24 hours. But that's OK cause you know you love reading this stuff. OK. So I got some Yoga DVDs cause I have heard so many good things about Yoga. Well, I just got through doing 2 of them. They were OK. I mean a lot of the positions were a little hard for me since I have never done it before. And there were some I couldn't do at all. Which was a little disheartening. But then there we some that I really could tell I was doing right and it felt good. Then there we some that relaxed me and just made me sleepy. I'll have to use those when I got to bed. Anywhoo, we'll see how it goes as I continue to try and get the hang of it all.
My stomach has been hurting me pretty much all night. I have no idea why. All the foods I ate should have agreed with me. I think a lot of it has to do with it getting closer and closer to the time where I can start worrying about am I pregnant this month or do I have to try all over again next month. It's not so much worrying if I am or not, more I just want to know so I can do whatever step comes next....know what I mean? Oh well.
Tomorrow here is what I have to do: Clean my parent's house. Go to the bead store to pick up some charms and beads. Come home, find something to cook. Cook it and then relax. Maybe, I can fit somemore Yoga in there somewhere. We'll see. Anyways, I guess this is all for tonight....well its really today(2:44am). But you know what I mean! Byeeeee!
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