Monday, November 3, 2003

Jingle Bells

Well today was a short day.  I got up and just messed around the house a little bit.  I washed clothes and then went to Wal-Mart and Food World.  I ran into SO many people that I graduated high school with.  I was like is this some kind of class reunion!?!?!  I also ran into a family member and an old teacher and some other people that I personally wish I never ran into.  I swear everyone was at Wally!  Anyway, I think in a few mins. I am going to go and try and clean up some paint that was dripped on the floor.  That will be a ton of fun..woohoo.  Then I may clean my walls.  Yes, you read right...I am going to clean my walls.  They get dusty after a while. night is full of fun.  I don't know if I will be able to handle it....I'll manage.

A few mins. ago I was folding clothes and this commerical came on and it had Christmas music on it and it was like this burst of Christmas spirit just came over me.  I was like whoa is Christmas here yet!?!!?!  I wish.  I love Christmas.  I can't wait until it comes.  I am hoping for a Christmas present from God this year.  You know what I mean???  A BABY!  We'll see.  If not then I know in due time I'll get my little present!!!  Well, I gotta go and do all the fun things I have planned for myself!  Later Gator!

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