Sunday, May 2, 2004

A full night's sleep....HA!


So, first let me tell you...for the most part I am enjoying being pregnant.  Watching my tummy grow...feeling stretching of muscles...knowing the baby is just making room.  It's a good feeling knowing that you are housing another human inside you.  They are feeding off of your body.  They depend on me even before they really know who I am.  It's a good feeling.  A feeling that only a mother has any idea what it is like.  I can't wait to feel the baby move and I can't wait to feel the first hic-up.  BUT...this having to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes...whew...its getting to  I enjoy it though in a small way.  It's like the baby is letting me know its there.  My breasts are sore...sometimes to the point where I we really have to hurt this much?!?!?!  But I know that its worth it.  And through my last two pregnancies that ended in miscarriages it a sense of relief because I have never felt before what I am feeling now.  It's a good feeling.  It's hard to explain but I know many of you know what I mean...  I love this baby more than life itself and I have never met this baby...or touched this baby...but it's MY baby.  Something that I helped make.  I never realize what a miracle babies truly are.  And I thank God for taking me through the pain and suffering just so I could truly see what miracles babies truly's something I hope I never take forgranted.  I hope I love this baby beyond what I have ever dreamed...  There is already a bond that is unexplainable...I can't wait to share all the moments of pregnancy and life with this child...I just can't wait...

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