Well, today has been one busy day for me. It all started at around 8:15am when Kent and I were awoken by roosters. ROOSTERS???? Where in the world did they come from? Well, apparently our next door neighbors decided they want to live on a farm, so instead of moving to one, they brought the farm to them. But being irresponsible they didn't make a fence for these alarm clocks to stay in. So they were pretty much on our porch eating hay that we around some of our newly planted bushes. Kent looked at me like "what is that". I calmly told him of our neighbor's new expenditure. So, he walks out and scares them off. We go back to sleep. Around 9:00am we get up and get ready for church. We barely arrive before services start, but thankfully we did. After church we came home and went up to Granny's to eat. I had to leave a little early because of my cousin's baby shower at 2:00pm. The shower went alright. But I was home by 3:00pm, if that tells you anything. Well, I get home and start my cleaning. Starting with the laundry.
So far I am 3 loads down with 3 more to go and it is 8:15pm now. Once the clothes were in order I started cleaning. I had only planned on doing general cleaning (vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, cleaning counter tops, and so on). What I ended up doing was: cleaning windows, vacuuming, dusting EVERYTHING, sweeping, sorting, throwing away things, organizing, and straightening. A bit more than I had planned on, but it felt good to get my house really clean. After cleaning I went outside and got out all the weeds in my garden and picked all the dead flowers. Then I watered all my plants and came inside for some supper. Now, I am just relaxing and waiting for Kent to get home. Not to mention the rest of clothes that need to be washed. And to think, I'm adding a baby to all this madness. Ahh, the more the merrier.......right?
Wow, how do you do it? I think I am the exact opposite of you and I'm exhausted just reading about your day! You make it seem so easy. It must be nice.
I am 22 weeks along with my first baby, smile' .. so I was just looking around for other pregnant mamas :)
Roosters.. thats funny! My mom once got two baby onces, and we lived in a nice victorian home. Oh boy.. it didnt last long ;)
I gotta do laundry too.. sigh.. it just keeps piling up (I blame it on the hubby). Just imagine when baby comes for the both of us.. I heard they go thru their clothes about 3-4 times a day!
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