Friday, May 28, 2004

No comments??????

OK...first I must address that NO ONE seems to leave me comments much anymore.  What's up with that?  I mean I think I write about interesting topics to which a comment would be left after reading.  It's crazy!  But that's OK.  Because I know yall still come to read...I see my little meter thing going up, up, up.  Unless its just my daddy hitting the refresh button over and over...which that is OK too.  I'll just keep writing and if yall feel lead to leave a comment then so be it....

Right now I am pretty tired.  But strangely enough my husband doesn't seem so tired.  He is in the livingroom playing on his PS2.  So maybe after I get off of here I can throw myself in the bed and maybe he'll sleep.  ANYWHO, my day today was rather boring.  I was going to go get my nails done...all 20 of them (hands and feet), but was too lazy to get up and go.  So, I just laid around all day.  I did manage to get in the shower around 3:30pm.  I went out to eat with my parents for supper and then went back to their house and watched TV.  Then Kent called and told me he was home and I am now back at the I guess I shall end this entry and go to bed....night all...          ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz



Anonymous said...

Most people enjoy reading without making comments.  And I seldom hit the refresh button!  Tattletail.

Anonymous said...

I read your journal all the time...I just hardly ever leave comments.  I know, I'm bad :o)


Anonymous said...

Hello! My name is Jeri and I will come back and write comments. Don't worry! :) Congrats on the baby
My journal---

Peace out!