Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Belly Pictures!!!!!!

ACK!!!  It's belly picture time again!  Here I am...28 weeks and 6 days.  If you look closely...my NEW Dust Buster is in the background!!  LOL!!!  Yall enjoy!!!

Monday, August 30, 2004

I never thought I'd see the day...

That I would actually be EXCITED about getting a DUST BUSTER!  But I am!!!  Kent and I were in Wal-Mart the other day picking up odds and ends and we came across the section for Dust Busters and Kent asked if I still wanted one.  I was like "of course!"  So, we got one.  And it's so sad...but I LOVE IT!  I don't have to drag the vacuum out everytime I want to clean up a small spot or something.  It's so stupid to hear myself say it...but I don't care.  I love my little dust buster.  Ahh...the joys of my boring life.

So...what have I been up to lately.  Nothing much.  I have been getting things ready for my two baby showers.  Trying to get lists together and letting people know what I want and what not.  My first shower is September 18 from 1-3pm.  It's the "family" baby shower.  Then on September 25 from 2-4pm I am having my second shower.  It is for "friends".  We were going to just have one BIG shower but as I was getting the list together and we had over 100 people on there.  So, we had to split the list up.  Anyway, it should be fun and I can't wait!  This week will mostly be an easy week.  Or atleast I say it will be.  I just need to clean the house up and get things ready to go to the beach.  BUT with that HUGE hurricane "Frances" (sp?) spinning out there...UGH...  From the looks of it, it looks like it will hit Florida around Saturday or so.  We will be leaving to go down there on Monday.  Hopefully it will either be gone from there by then or completely take a right turn and miss Florida all together.  I hope it just misses it all together.  So, Kent is off for the next two days.  YAY!  We don't have any plans so we will probably just lay around and do nothing.  Which sounds good to me.  Well, that is all for now.  I'll talk with yall later!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Boring Saturday...hmmph

I'm bored.  Today has seemed to just drag on and on.  It's just now 3:45pm but feels like it should be 6 or 7pm.  Kent will be home soon, so maybe that will make time go by faster.  Once he gets home and takes a shower, we are off to my parent's house to eat and then to Home Depot to look around for bathroom things.  FINALLY, I am getting a bathtub for our bathroom!  Hopefully, it will be done sometime after we get back from the beach.  Anyway, today I have done basically nothing.  I did pull up every flower in my flowerbed.  They were all dead anyways.  I am going to clear the bed out and get it ready to plant tulip bulbs in the fall.  For fall decorations I am going to get me some mums but they will be in pots on the porch.  I'm hoping my house will look festive...we'll see.  Well, I better get going.  I still need to dry my hair and get ready to go to my parent's.  Yall be good and I'll talk with yall later!

Friday, August 27, 2004

A view on the Olympics

I'll start with the USA basketball team.  I have to hand it to the ones who "actually went".  They tried their hardest I'm sure.  It was however extremely embarrassing.  USA has always had the "dream team" and was always dominate in the sport of basketball.  But unfortunately there are some NBA players who were "too afraid" to go to the Olympics.  Can we say...CHICKEN is more of a correct word than afraid!  It really rubbed me the wrong way when many of the players decided not to go.  I find it extremely unpatriotic and cowardly.  They rather sit in their million dollar homes and act all high and mightly instead of get out and play for their country.  I hope people look at "those few" differently when the NBA comes back on and start its season.  I know I for one will look at them differently and shake my hand in shame everytime I see them!

Next would have to be the women's 4X400m relay.  How sad!  I really felt sorry for all the women who were involved in that.  They were sure to have the gold and yet one small mistake cost them the race.  Marion Jones has had a tough year with all the "rumors" of enhancing drugs and then not getting a medal.  But in a post race interview she held her head up and gracefully answered all the questions that were asked of her.  Hopefully, things will look up for her in the future!

Why I like synchronized swimming is beyond me!  But I do!  America has really done well in all the events of the synchronized swimming.  They got a bronze in the team event today.  Which was really great.  I think their "outfits" are so pretty!

I'll just say ouch on these....


Well, that is my view of the Olympics for today.  Yall have a great weekend and GO USA!



Yup it's FRIDAY!

You know what that means......I CLEANED!!!  Whew!  It was a good cleaning too, if I do say so myself.  It took me about 2 1/2 hours to get it all done.  And now my house smells soooo good!  Now, only if the weather was a lot cooler, I could raise all my windows and enjoy my nice clean house with a cool breeze blowing through.  Ahh...I'm dreamin'!  It's 90 something outside and rediculously (sp?) muggy!  I'll be so glad when Fall gets here.  I'm ready for the cooler weather and I'm ready to decorate!  PLUS...we all know who's coming this Fall...JON KENT!!!  Woohoo!  I guess I could focus my mind on getting ready to go back to the beach.  We are leaving here Monday morning on Sept. 6th and coming back Friday the 10th.  I really haven't been that excited about it to be honest.  I don't know why...usually I am ready to go to the beach no matter what.  But not this time...umm WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!?!?!?  We are staying at a really nice place, Edgewater Resorts.  Edgewater Beach Resort  We are staying on the 1st floor which is one floor off the ground.  They have a pool that is 11,000 square feet!  It's crazy!  Hopefully, while we are there we won't be attacked (LOL) by a hurricane!  Because there seems to be another one heading right towards Florida!  Now, for a Kent update.  As far as I know, he is doing better.  He kissed me this morning and said bye and went to work.  He is still going to have to have his gallbladder removed.  He was supposed to call the doctor sometime today, but I haven't heard anything from him yet.  I'll let yall know more when I know more!  Well, I better get going.  I still have a little bit of rearranging to do in my house and finish eating my lunch!  Yall have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

AOL Journal Editors pick some whoppers!

Whew!  Did AOL Journal Editors pick a bunch of whoppers this week!  I have to say that even though I have my "beef" with the editors...they did a good job this week!  All the journals are either from Democrats or Republicans.  And boy do they have some view points in both.  I find it interesting how "different" everyone's views are.  Some are worried about the economy, some are worried about unemployment rates, some are worried who served what war and if they "really" served, etc.  They are all different.  It's some really interesting reading.  Here is the link to AOL Journals main page.  Yall enjoy!!!

 AOL Journals: Welcome!

My hubby is sick =(

My poor hubby is sick.  He came out of the bathroom with a white face and dark circles under his eyes.  He was carrying the trash can with him.  He said his stomach was hurting him and he felt like he was going to throw up.  :::::visiting a past memory::::: When we first got married, I say we had been married for 9 months tops.  We went out to eat and something didn't agree with him and he went to the bathroom.  A few minutes later I heard the most horrible noise...it even scared the cats!  He threw up all over the bathroom.  He was "aiming" for the shower but it was EVERYWHERE!  So, I told him to just go to bed and I would clean it up...GAG!!!!!!  ::::fast forward to present day::::  When he told me he felt like he was going to throw up my stomach dropped.  I was like please no!  So anyway, we know what it is...his gallbladder.  He needs to have it removed and we are quickly running out of time for him to get it done before the baby is here.  So, we talked about it and he is going to call the doctor (hopefully tomorrow) and set up a time to have it removed.  We figured he could get it done on one of his off days and then take 2 sick days off after that.  The doctor told him that recovery time isn't long, so that is what we are hoping for.  But he needs to get it done soon!  Anyway, yall please pray for him that everything will be fine and that he can get the surgery done and recover quickly!  That's all for now!  Yall be good!


*Blah* is about how I feel.  Nothing is wrong or anything, I just feel blah.  I have done a few things around the house.  I cleaned the nursery up a bit but it's no where near how I want it yet.  There is still a ton of stuff to do in there but I just can't find the motivation to do anything.  I just want to take EVERYTHING out of my house go through it all and then put back in what I know we need and then just redecorate it from top to bottom.  I don't know why but that is just the mood I am in at this point.  I feel like I don't really organize anything, I just move it around.  UGH!  I'm sooo whining right now...but frankly, I don't care.  It's MY JOURNAL, I'll whine if I want to!  I did wash dishes and made me some tea.  For whatever reason, I have been craving tea, so I made some.  I am also washing clothes...fun.  I am 1 load down and 3 to go.  I need to hop in the shower and go to town and pick up some things for supper.  But town seems sooooo far away.  Hmmph!  Yes, I'm still whining!  Big Brother comes on tonight.  I guess Kent and I will watch that.  Maybe by then I will be in a better mood.  We'll see.  Well, that's it for now!  I'll talk with yall later...and next time I'll TRY not to whine so much...but no promises though!  BYE! 

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Childbirth Classes are OVER!

We finished our childbirth course.  Tonight (or really yesterday) we went over infant care.  Changing the diapers, cleaning the cord, cleaning after circumcision (yes we are circumcising...so please no comments!  Nothing will change our minds), how to wrap the baby in a blanket, etc.  We learned some safety measures to take in certain situations.  It was very informative.  Now, that the classes are over with, I am ready for him to be here.  I don't know what is wrong with me...but I am ready to get him OUT and get my body back.  I guess it's just hormones or something, but UGH!!!  We still have so much to do though, so I guess it's good that it isn't time yet.  Hopefully, those things will get done soon. 

Well, we are going back to the beach in less than 2 weeks!  YAY!  I'm looking forward to it and I'm not looking forward to it.  Does that make sense?  I want to go, but I don't know how comfortable I will be.  I'll be almost 30 weeks when we go, so I may not "enjoy" it so much because of the heat and what not.  We'll see.  Hopefully, I will have a good time and so will all the other people who are going!

Today (8.25.04) I am 28 weeks pregnant.  Which takes me into my 3rd and final trimester.  ::::::Doing a happy dance:::::::  If you would have told me 6 or 7 months ago that I would be pregnant with a healthy pregnancy now I would have probably laughed at you and told you that you were crazy.  BUT here I am and all is well.  In fact, he is kicking me now...he must know I am talking about it.  Only 12 more weeks to go...but who's counting???

Well, that is all for now!  Sorry about the lack of updates lately.  I just haven't been in the mood to really sit down and type!  Maybe I will perk up soon!  Talk with yall later!!!

Monday, August 23, 2004

86 days and counting...

Yup...86 days until I am due.  Whew...seems like a long time when you look at it that way.  But it really is a little over 2 months.  So looking at it that way doesn't seem so long.  I am getting more anxious and excited as the day gets closer.  I have so many questions going through my mind.  Like, "will I be a good mommy?" or "will Jon Kent be hyper or mild?" or "will I be induced or will he come on his own?"  General stuff like that.  I went today to the doctor and had my glucose screening done.  To make sure I don't have gestational diabetes.  If they call me back then it means I have go to in and take a 3 hour test.  Today was only a 1 hour test.  Anyway, if on the 3 hour test, I fail then I have gestational diabetes and I have to either control it with a diet or have to take insulin.  So far they haven't call me...and they said they would only call if my levels weren't normal.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see.  I gained roughly 2 more pounds in the past week!!  I was like how in the world?  So that makes me have a total of 18 pounds so far.  I wanted to only gain 22 pounds but that doesn't look like it is going to happen.  I got to hear the heartbeat again, it was 162 bpm.  I measured right on with how many weeks I am.  So everything so far has checked out just fine.  I am starting to go every 3 weeks right now...then it will be 2 weeks and then 1 week.  I am getting closer!!!  YAY!  I have one baby shower date set.  It's going to be Sept. 25th from 2-4pm.  It's going to be my "friends" shower.  And the other shower I am having sometime in October is going to be a "family" shower.  I am really looking forward to that!  I still have a lot to do around the house though to get ready for the baby.  I need to organize some closets and some cabinets.  But for now all I can really do is clean out the closets and make as much space for the baby as I can.  Because I don't know what all we will get.  I guess when I get it, I will find a place for it then.  *sigh  Well, that is about it.  I have clothes to wash and a nap to take!  Yall be good!

Friday, August 20, 2004

No subject really...just random thoughts...

Well, it's late Friday night and I am about to head for bed.  But before I do, I will update yall on the happenings of my life...yeah that's about it...LOL. 

 Umm what did I do today...well I got up around 9am and procrastinated until about 11:30am.  Why all the procrastinating???  I decided last night to clean today...and honestly...for once I wasn't in the mood.  Can you believe it?  But since I had put it off most of the week, it needed to be done.  So, I finally started cleaning.  I did the usual....counters, floors, sinks, toilets, dusting..etc.  Then I procrastinated some more because I had errands to run in town and didn't want to do that either.  I was just in a do nothing all day kind of mood.  And honestly I hate that mood!  So anyway, I finally headed to town around 2:30pm.  I payed the car insurance, went to the ATM, and then went to Wally World to pick up a few things.  At Wally I swear I saw everyone I knew.  It was sooo crowded to begin with then I run into all these people and you have to have a conversation which basically goes like this...

Person:  Hey!  How are you?

Me:  Fine.  You?

Person:  I'm good.  So how is the baby?  You are so tiny!

Me:  He is doing good.  He is growing.  Tiny???  Well, thanks!

Person:  You're due in Nov. right?

Me:  Right.  Nov. 17th.

Person:  That's not too far away.

Me:  Yeah I know.

Person:  Well, I better get going.  I'll talk with you later.

Me:  OK.  Bye.

Nothing major....same ole same ole.  Meanwhile, I am thinking..."please let my milk still be cold when I get home!"  Ahh...now I sound stuck up...great!  It was nice talking with everyone.  It's fun showing off my tummy...now that people can notice I am even pregnant!  Anywho...after Wally it was home for me because thunderstorms were everywhere!  But we needed the rain!!!!  Once Kent came home from work, we ate supper and then.....drum roll please...WENT BACK TO WALLY WORLD!  LOL.  He wanted to look around at a game (PS2) he has been saving his birthday money for, for weeks now!  It still wasn't there.  So we looked around and came home.  We watched the Olympics some and then he went to bed...which is where I am heading right now....now that I've bored yall to tears!!!!  Yall be good!

PS:  The nickname Emalade...is now back in my life...my lovely husband thinks it funny to call me that and then run and hide under the covers!  Not funny!

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Been busy!

Wow...another lack of updates!  Well, I have been somewhat busy!  Kent was off for the past two days so most of my time was either spending time with him or cleaning up after him.  He likes to lay his clothes BY the clothes hamper but not so much IN the clothes hamper.  Anyway, he's still a sweetie!  I have done some cleaning here and there (what's new?) and I have been *TRYING* to exercise atleast every other day.  Monday and yesterday I did laps at the local Rec Center's pool.  It was nice.  Even though I get tired so easily...which stinks!  Anyway, yesterday was a pretty busy day.  I got up and made Kent and myself some blueberry pancakes and then I got ready to go to the Rec Center to swim.  After swimming I came home and made lunch for Kent and myself.  It was good too!  After lunch Kent and I went up to his parent's house so I could lay out on their deck and tan.  I tanned for about 2 hours...my face is a little burned...the rest of me is brown...I guess.  After tanning we came home and I took a shower.  We had pizza for supper and watched the Olympics (GO USA!).  Today is going to be fun....HA!  I have decided to wash clothes and wash all the windows and dust all the walls.  Sounds fun doesn't it!?!!?!?  I told Kent last night that after the baby is born I am going to have to ask people to come clean my house because it will drive me crazy if it's not clean.  He just grinned.  But seriously I can tell I am going to need some help.  After learning about how much it takes to care for the baby (I knew it would take alot) I know there is no way other stuff will get done until there is a routine set with the baby and that could be 6 months!  UGH!  I'll manage though....thousands of generations before me have...so will I...  Anyway, I'm off to clean, clean, clean!  Yall be good!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

A Quiz

1.  What's the one impulse item you purchase most often?

Magazines or gum

2.  What was the last song you had stuck in your head and couldn't get rid of?

I think it was a song from a K-Mart commercial...forgot the name of it.

3.  What is your least favorite nickname?

Emalade...kinda like lemonade....

4.  When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A teacher...but my daddy told me not to be one...lol...funny seeing how he IS one!

5.  Where did you go on your first date?

Betty's BBQ...lol...real fancy!!!

6.  How many tries did it take to get your driver's license?


7.  If you could go see any event at the olympics, what would it be and why?

Umm gymnastics...or swimming...no...gymnastics...swimming...gymnastics...

8.  What's one thing your mom said to you growing up that you hope you'll never repeat to your kids?

"I am moma...hear me roar...in too big of numbers to ignore"...LOL...but knowing me I'll probably say it anyways...

9.  If you had a day off and $500 to spend, what would you do?

GO SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10.  Have you ever met anyone famous (details, please!)?

Not that I know of....umm I lead a boring life!

Sorry no updates

Sorry about the lack of updates.  Not much to really report.  I have just been exercising and cleaning AND trying to watch what I eat.  I made a new appointment to see my doctor for Monday the 23rd.  They went ahead and moved up my glucose screening to that day as well since I would be back in a week to get that done anyways.  I have to go back for the check up from my fall...which everything should check out fine because I feel pretty good.  My right hand still hurts because of the cuts but my arm feels pretty good.  It was sore but I think its healing nicely now.  So, so far so good!

We went to our 3rd Birthing class tonight.  We went over post delivery and all the physical and emotional changes that come with that.  It was pretty interesting.  We then took a tour of the birthing suites.  They are REALLY nice and HUGE.  We had like 18-20 people in our class and we ALL fit in there.  So it was pretty big.  They deliver in the room you are in and the baby stays there the whole time.  It was really comforting to see all the things they would do while we were there.  I got really excited after taking the tour.  I told Kent that I was really for Jon Kent to get here!  But that is still atleast 10 weeks away....so close...yet so far....

Now, Kent is watching a movie INSTEAD of the Olympics...GRRRRR....so I am going to go play my PC Roller Coaster game...talk with yall later!!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Belly Pictures!!

Well, here are the belly pictures that I have been promising.  They are from week 23.  Which was almost 4 weeks ago.  I am waiting on the digital camera to charge and I will then take some more belly pictures.  Until then...yall enjoy!

Update on MEEEEEE!

Well, all seems be going well for me.  From what I can tell the baby is still doing fine.  The doctor told me that in 48 hours most of the worry is over BUT to keep an eye out for "problems" for up to 2 weeks.  All that is really bothering me is my right arm.  It is really sore.  I can barely lift it up.  I'll live though!

Last night Kent and me and my parents went out to eat and then shopped around in the mall.  When we got home (9ish) Kent and I went straight to bed!  We were both sooo tired from our loooong day.  I think as soon as Kent's head hit the pillow he was out like a light!  I had a little more trouble getting to sleep.  I couldn't find a comfortable position.  But it didn't take me too long!

Well, today there isn't much planned.  I am about to get ready for church and then I am sure I will be up at Granny's for the rest of the afternoon for lunch.  Kent is currently at work and he will get off at 4pm.  So, I don't know what is planned after he gets home!  Anyway, that is all for now!  Yall be good!

Saturday, August 14, 2004

My trip to L&D (Labor and Delivery)

UGH...is about all I can say...just UGH!  Kent was working the midnight to 8am shift.  When he came home he asked me if I wanted to go to Jack's with him to get some breakfast and I was like sure.  So I threw on some clothes and some house slippers and out the door we went.  Well, to get to our car, you have to go down two steps and then step over a railing that holds our carport together.  Well, I managed to make it down the steps, but not so much over the railing.  I fell straight on my right side and stomach in gravel.  It HURT!  But I just started bawling because it scared me so much.  It scared Kent too!  So anyway, I come in the house and call the DR and talked to a nurse.  She tells me to come up there and get observed.  So to the hospital we go.  We get there and the DR (I have never met her before but I am glad I did, because she was really nice) talked with us and said I would have to be put on monitors for 2 hours and get an u/s.  So to the L&D we go.  They monitor me for a while and the WHOLE time Jon Kent is kicking the crap out of the monitor.  They would get it adjusted right and he would kick it off.  It started getting funny after a while.  After monitoring for about 30 minutes, they took me to get an u/s done.  Everything looks GREAT!  My placenta was still attached and Jon Kent was showing "his stuff."  His head though is measuring a week ahead of the rest of his body but that is just something that runs in the family, because Kent was born with a big head.  Anywho, after the u/s they took me back to be monitored some more and everything checked out just fine.  I have to go back in a week and get checked out to make sure everything is still fine, but so far so good.  Now I am just left with two big cuts on my right hand, some scratches on my right leg and some bruises...ahhh but I'll live!

Friday, August 13, 2004

I was so proud!



Pictures courtesy of NBC.com

I was so proud to see our OLYMPIC participants from the USA all marching out infront of the whole world!  I was really excited for each and everyone of them!  When they announced the "United States of America" I got the biggest smile on my face and even clapped!  LOL!  I can't wait to start watching all the events!

Well, I am here alone.  Kent went into work about 15 minutes ago or so and now I am just trying to get sleepy.  I hate when he isn't here at night!  Going to bed alone STINKS!  But he goes back on Day Shift starting Sunday...so it's "all good".  Anyway, that is all for tonight!  Yall be good and GO USA!

Hurrican Charley, Cleaning, Washing, Olympics

Whew...Hurrican Charley is one mighty storm!  They were thinking it was going to be a 3 but ended up getting to a 4!!!  OH MY GOODNESS!  They said Hurrican Charley was breaking records!  It's amazing!  I hope everyone in Florida has taken cover and is OK!  The weather here because of Hurrican Charley has been VERY nice.  It has really felt like Fall around here.  It feels like I should be putting up the Fall decorations in the yard for Halloween and Thanksgiving and watching a football game.  We have had the windows up ALL DAY!  Sooo nice!

So, my house is clean.  I started cleaning alone but once Kent got back from getting his haircut he pitched in and helped.  We got the house cleaned in like a hour or so.  I wiped counters off, table was cleaned, I swept, vacuumed, cleaned sinks and toilet, and windex mirrors.  Kent dusted the living room and bedroom and he windex the bedroom and mirror and the front door.  So it smells soooo clean in my house!!!!  I have also been washing clothes.  My last load is in the dryer and once I fold those I am done!  I love cleaning in this "fall type" weather!

Now it's time to cook and watch the Olympics.  It comes on at 7pm and lasts until 11pm central time.  I am soooo excited.  I get to watch the Olympics in my clean house with clean clothes on and a full stomach.  What is better than that!!?!?!?!

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Lights went out, cooler weather, and OLYMPICS

Well last night was a looooong night!!!  Or should I say early this morning...  Anyway, last night Kent and I rented two movied from Blockbuster and watched those.  They were "50 First Dates" and "Win a Date with Tad Hamilton".  They were both pretty good movies.  Anyway, about 12:30am we called it a night and headed to bed.  Well, around 2am or so our lights went out.  It was weird how it happened though because they blinked like twice and then finally went out.  At the time of the power outage, there were no storms, so it was kind of weird.  THEN I started seeing this flashing light that appeared to be coming from the kitchen.  I figured a fuse blew or something.  So, I woke Kent up (thankfully he wasn't at work or I would have really been freaking out) and got him to check it out.  The flashing light ended up being our carbon dioxide (sp?) detector.  You never notice the flashing light when the lights are on...lol.  Anyway, after that a thunderstorm blew through and we went back to sleep.  I really couldn't get comfortable because the AC was out and it was getting kind of sticky.  Finally, at 8:45am our power came back on.  The problem ended up being a power line had fallen behind Kent's parent's house who live right up the road. 

The weather here is definately NOT summer weather.  But I am by no means complaining!  I believe the temp. is around 78/79.  NICE!  It's cloudly out and there is a nice breeze blowing through!  It's because of tropical storm Bonnie.  The west side of the front is cooler and that is what we are getting.  With all this nice fall like weather, it makes me want Fall to hurry up and get here already!

So, tomorrow night starts the OLYMPICS!  I believe it starts at 7pm central time.  I can't wait!  I'm really looking forwarded to the swimming and diving competitions and the gymnastics!  The rest I don't really watch all that much...but either way...GO USA!  I hope we bring home the Gold in many of the competitions!

Well, that is all for now!  I guess I will go and watch some of my BB5 Live Feed!  Yall be good!

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

My Tuesday

Today was an alright day.  Nothing special.  Kent got off work early, so he was home by 7am.  We had breakfast together and we both went back to bed.  I honestly NEEDED to go back to bed because at that time I had only gotten like 5 hours of sleep, BUT when I got up at 10:30am I felt awful.  I felt sluggish and lazy and just awful in general.  I had my quiet time and then worked out for about 30 minutes or so.  I had "planned" on not eating too much chocolate today because for whatever reason, I haven't been able to really control myself when it comes to chocolate and I know that 1) it's not good for me nor the baby to just eat and eat and eat chocolate and 2) it just feel fat and piggish when I eat too much chocolate.  On top of all that it gives me indigestion (another joy of pregnancy).  I did "fairly" well, but still didn't do as good as I wanted to.  Hopefully, tomorrow I will do better and really get a good work out.  I just wanted to feel "good" again about my body and get into some form of good physical shape.  ANYWHO...tonight, Kent and I went to childbirth classes.  We learned different techniques of how to breath and relax.  It was very informative.  She taught us the deep slow breathing, and the "he, he, he" breathing, how to focus inwardly or outwardly on an object to take our "minds" off the pain (yeah right).  But all and all it was pretty good.  We learned reasons for c-sections and how to deal with it.  I learned that the cut they make for the c-section isn't that big (roughly 4 inches) and is right on the bikini line.  I was pleased to see that they don't do the huge cuts anymore.  Anyway, that was basically all that we did tonight.  Next week we get a tour of the birthsuites.  I'm really looking forward to that.  Anyway, it's about my bedtime and since Kent is off I finally have my sleeping buddy back...YAY!!!  So I'll talk with yall later!  Be good!

Monday, August 9, 2004

I'm in the double digits!!!!!

Lilypie Baby Days

OoOoOoOo YEAH!!!!  I'm in the double digits!!!  No more triple digits...  Only 99 days until I am due!!!  Woohoo!!!  I've been waiting soooo long to see that 99 pop up there.  Finally...I have arrived!!!!

No, it doesn't take much to get me excited.  But seriously...99 days.  That's it.  I just can't believe it!!!  Only roughly 3 more months to go.  And soo much to do....decorating, cleaning, organizing, washing, showers...so much!!!  I better get to it....

After I get up....must sleep now...

Chocolate...a pregnant woman's best friend

Yummmm chocolate.  I don't care what form it comes it...as long as it's chocolate.  It could be kisses or bars or tootsie rolls...whatever...chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  Yummy, yummy, yummy!  I am trying however to not over do it (even though I do).  I try and exercise more that day if I know I need extra chocolate.  Today I went to the Rec center and swam a few laps.  I didn't do as much as I wanted to, because some ladies that knew me stopped me and talked forever to me.  But it was alright.  I didn't want to "over do it" anyways...lol.  I was going to walk my mile today too, but it started sprinkling..lol...excuses.  I am trying to get into somewhat of a routine of working out.  I think it's better for me and the baby if I do, plus it would make me stronger for labor and all the work of raising a newborn.

Speaking of newborn...I got my first baby gift today...other than the ones my parent's have already gotten us.  It was from my Aunt Karen Kay.  The UPS man drove up and Kent was like..."did you order anything?"  I said, "no, did you?"  He said, "no".  I was like well what are they doing here??  Well, Kent goes to the door and he has these two huge packages from BabiesRUs.  I was like OoOoOo YAY baby gifts!!  Well, the gifts were an Avent bottle kit.  It had four bottles that you can put breastmilk in and store and then use them when you need to use them as bottles, then I got a Christmas outfit that says "My First Christmas" on it.  Sooooo cute!  And I got a 15 piece bathset.  It has little rubber duckies in it and a brush and comb, towels, wash cloths....so cute!  I was really surprised to be getting anything this early...it really made my day!!  Anyway, I am off...I need to finish drying clothes and take a shower.  Kent is currently sleeping, so I have nothing else to do... =o( 

Talk with yall later!!!  Bye!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2004

I'm in a cleaning mood...

But I can't!  Kent is taking a short nap before going in to work, and I really want to clean up the house a bit.  I guess I will have to clean after he leaves for work.  Grrr...I'm still not use to him leaving.  I hate it, I hate it, I HATE it!  I have to absolutely MAKE myself go to sleep...and I just hate that.  But I want to stick to the routine I have been on.  And that is going to bed at a reasonable hour and getting up early (8ish).  Plus, tomorrow I am going to start back to swimming and walking 3 days a week.  And I *plan* on going swimming at the Rec at 11am and then walking.  OR I may walk at 10:30am and then go swimming at 11am.  I don't know...it really depends if I can just get up.  PLUS, I need to wash clothes tomorrow as well.  UGH...I hope he isn't on this schedule long...  I'm thinking that he isn't going to be on this shift long, but you never know...

Umm...so what do I do when I want to clean and can't....ahhh...DRIVE MYSELF CRAZY!


Well...I made it.  I made it through the night without Kent.  Whew!  I was actually proud of myself..lol  I started out on the couch watching TV, but I just couldn't get comfortable.  So, I finally drug myself to bed at like 1:15am.  I went to sleep and dreamed of Big Brother 5.  It was crazy!  I woke up at 4:30am to use the bathroom and then went back to sleep.  I then woke up at 6:30am to go to the bathroom again.  Finally, Kent came home a little after 8am and we had breakfast together.  He is now asleep and I am fixing to head up to Granny's to eat lunch.  But I thought yall would like to know that I actually DID sleep and I didn't stay up all night like I would have normally done.  THANK GOODNESS!  My body wouldn't be able to handle an all nighter...  Later all!

Saturday, August 7, 2004

Ahh..who *needs* AOL Journal Editors!?!?!

I'm *supposed* to be exercising right now...but it can wait.  I have a bone to pick with the AOL Journal Editors...

I see the same people over and over and over again on the AOL Journal Editor's Top 5 pick.  And although *some* of these journals are VERY interesting...some just....aren't.  And yet they get on there time and time again.  Why is that?  Did they slip yall a $20?  If so, I give yall $14.95 every month...ISN'T THAT ENOUGH!?!?!?!  But I guess not...I *think* I write about fairly interesting stuff.  Somedays may be slower than others...but for the most part I tell about the interesting things that go on in my life...I tell all about my pregnancy and all that goes with that, I share pictures, I add cute little graphics, and use BRIGHT and attracting colors...what more is there to do???

Humph...I give... 

Chilly Willy, YAY, & UGH!!!

Yesterday, if you were in Alabama you experienced some "fall" type of weather.  VERY nice.  I was cleaning the house and I went outside to clean the front glass door.  This nice cool, fall breeze blew through.  It was REALLY nice!!!  I think the temp. only got to like 85 or lower and the low temp. last night set a new record low for August!  It was just a really nice day!!!

I went to JCPenny's last night with my moma and we really hit the jackpot on baby clothes!  I got 4 outfits, one cute little pair of jeans, and a "coming home outfit" all for Jon Kent and only spent like $40!!!  I saved $30 or so!!!  I was just too excited about it!  He really racked up!!!!  And my moma also bought Jon Kent some stuff as well and she paid less than I did!  We were shocked at all the good deals that we got!!!  If I didn't think I would go "baby shopping" crazy, I would go back today and see what they have...but I will just have to resist!

Well, my luck (even though I don't believe in luck) has finally ran out.  Kent was working a wonderful day shift of 7:30am-4pm.  We were like "normal" again.  He has been working that shift since late May, so for him being a rookie he was getting some good shifts...well that is all going to change!  Starting tonight he goes in at midnight and gets off at 8am.  UGH!!!!  And I was sleeping so well!!!  I'm "hoping" that I can still stick with my normal schedule...but anyone who knows me knows that it just probably isn't going to happen.  Ugh...oh well....

Well, I'm off to straighten up the house, wash dishes, and exercise!  Yall have a great day!!!!

Friday, August 6, 2004

Early Start

LOOK!  It's before 9am and I am up!!!  I actually got up at around 7:30am.  I am TRYING to get on a good schedule...but this is only day one.  We'll see how I do a week from now!  Anywho, it actually feels good to be up and doing something.  Which all that I have really done is started washing clothes.  I have 5 loads to do...UGH!  But I do so love the smell of fresh clothes.  I plan to clean the house, wash the rest of the clothes, wash dishes, and start cleaning out the nursery.  Keyword is START...  Hopefully, I will get most if not all of this done today.  We'll see.

My tummy doesn't hurt as bad as it did last night.  I pretty much know what is causing it.  It only really hurts me after I eat, so it has to be that.  So, this morning I got up and had two biscuits...not fast food biscuits...the ones you make at home.  Anyway, I had two of those and a glass of milk.  My tummy started hurting a little bit, but for the most part it's better.  I am guessing I will just have to eat like 4-5 small meals instead of 3 big ones.  It's fine by me.

Well, nothing else really going on.  I need to get off this thing and start my list of chores...lol.  Talk with yall later!!!  By the way, thanks to Dana for the cute siggy at the bottom!!!




Thursday, August 5, 2004

My tummy hurts =(

My tummy hurts.  It has been bothering me pretty much all day.  I think my stomach is getting crowded out and I haven't adjusted to eating smaller meals yet.  So when I eat too much or something, it hurts me for the rest of the day.  =(  I guess I will just have to remind myself to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day.  But right now I am HURTING!  Grrr...  I hate to be in pain...LOL...and I am supposed to make it through LABOR???  Haha!  We'll see!  I was at Kent's parent's house earlier swimming while they worked on the deck.  My stomach cramped up like something serious.  So I went and sat down but it still didn't help.  It was the type of pain that makes you double over.  I knew it wasn't anything with the baby because it was too high plus it was in my chest area too.  So I knew it was most likely gas and just eating too much at once.  So, I just came home and laid out on the couch until the pain went away.  It went away and I thought it was gone...but it came back like 30 minutes ago.  I'm hoping it will be gone soon!  Nothing else really happened today.  I went and got my hair trimmed and Kent went and got his driver's license renewed.  We then went to Wally World to pick up a few things.  Kent also washed the car.  I then cooked us supper.  Then we went up to Kent's parent's.  I came home and watched Big Brother and Kent was home shortly after me.  I plan on heading to bed early tonight because I want to get on a good schedule...like go to bed at 10pm and get up at 7am.  I think it will make me feel better to be on a set time.  I guess only time will tell.  Anyway, that is all that I've got for now!  I'll talk with yall later!

Wednesday, August 4, 2004

Childbirth Classes

Well, we went to childbirth classes last night.  It was pretty interesting.  The lady that was teaching the class was a RN.  She was a nurse in the delivery room for like 8 years.  She was really nice and she really knew her stuff!  We had to introduce ourselves to the class which I hated because I HATE talking infront of people that I don't know!  But I got through it.  There was one couple in there who are due Sept. 29th and their baby ALREADY weighs like 6lbs!  I was like oh my goodness.  The couple said that if the baby continues to grow like that, then they will probably have the baby 3 weeks early.  I couldn't imagine!  We got a folder FULL of information from coping skills, to when to call the doctor, to c-sections, to post partum...AND we got tons of free stuff...coupons for diapers, magazines, coupons for free pictures, nipple lotion, and just tons of stuff.  I was really impressed!  What we mostly talked about last night was coping skills when going into labor, the different stages of labor, and medications that you can take during labor to take some of the pain away.  We also learned when we should call the doctor and how to time contractions.  The teacher showed a video of a lady giving birth and they showed the afterbirth...it was funny because when Kent saw that he made this noise like "ick" or something.  It was soooo funny.  It was hard not to just bust out laughing!  Then we watched another video of a lady getting an epidural (sp?).  It was all very informative.  Next week we are supposed to bring two pillows and a blanket, so I guess we will be going over breathing techniques.  I am looking forward to it.  The 3rd class we have we are going to get a tour of the birthing suits.  That way we will become "familiar with our surroundings."  I can't wait!  So anyway, that is my update!  Yall be good! 

Tuesday, August 3, 2004

My day!

  Well, Kent and I are heading to our first preparing for parenthood class tonight!  I am so excited about going!  I can't wait to learn all they have to teach me!  The class lasts from 6:30pm-9pm.  And it is 4 classes in a month.  They teach child safety (CPR), different feeding techniques, different labor/pain management, and we get a tour of the birthing suits.  I'm really looking forward to going, because I want to know EVERYTHING that I possibly can before Jon Kent gets here!!!

I also had a doctor's appointment today.  Nothing to really talk about....the heartbeat was good, my belly was measuring right at 24 weeks (even thought I am 25 weeks tomorrow), and he said my weight was right on track (well, one pound under average).  Only thing that upset me was I asked to have another u/s later...like week 35 or so to see how big the baby was measuring.  Well, he said that my insurance only covers for 2 "entertainment" u/s and I have already had those 2.  But I have had 4 in all and my insurance has covered them.  He said it was because those other two were emergency u/s and those are covered.  So pooh...  I think I can bat my eyelashes and roll my lip out enough to make Kent feel bad for me so we can have a 3D one done.  I hope so anyways!  LOL!  Well, there is my little update!!!

Monday, August 2, 2004

It makes your heart stop...

New York and Washington are starting the work week under a new terror warning, as Homeland Security officials warn of detailed evidence that financial buildings are terrorist targets. President George W. Bush approved the change in the terror threat level.       For the first time, the new alert level applies to specific buildings -- five of them in New York and Washington.   Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said the move is based on fresh intelligence that has been corroborated and unusually detailed. "It is alarming in both the amount and specificity of the information," Ridge said. "The preferred means of attack -- or what has being suggested in the reporting -- -- is car and truck bombs," Ridge said. In New York, the Holland Tunnel into Manhattan is closed to commercial traffic and the Williamsburg Bridge is closed to inbound trucks. Officials said the new information comes from items seized in Pakistan last week. Federal officials said that with further review of the data, the heightened alert may spread to more potential targets.  

Pictures courtesy of NBC13.com