Saturday, August 14, 2004

My trip to L&D (Labor and Delivery) about all I can say...just UGH!  Kent was working the midnight to 8am shift.  When he came home he asked me if I wanted to go to Jack's with him to get some breakfast and I was like sure.  So I threw on some clothes and some house slippers and out the door we went.  Well, to get to our car, you have to go down two steps and then step over a railing that holds our carport together.  Well, I managed to make it down the steps, but not so much over the railing.  I fell straight on my right side and stomach in gravel.  It HURT!  But I just started bawling because it scared me so much.  It scared Kent too!  So anyway, I come in the house and call the DR and talked to a nurse.  She tells me to come up there and get observed.  So to the hospital we go.  We get there and the DR (I have never met her before but I am glad I did, because she was really nice) talked with us and said I would have to be put on monitors for 2 hours and get an u/s.  So to the L&D we go.  They monitor me for a while and the WHOLE time Jon Kent is kicking the crap out of the monitor.  They would get it adjusted right and he would kick it off.  It started getting funny after a while.  After monitoring for about 30 minutes, they took me to get an u/s done.  Everything looks GREAT!  My placenta was still attached and Jon Kent was showing "his stuff."  His head though is measuring a week ahead of the rest of his body but that is just something that runs in the family, because Kent was born with a big head.  Anywho, after the u/s they took me back to be monitored some more and everything checked out just fine.  I have to go back in a week and get checked out to make sure everything is still fine, but so far so good.  Now I am just left with two big cuts on my right hand, some scratches on my right leg and some bruises...ahhh but I'll live!


Anonymous said...

wow! I'm glad that you both weren't hurt or anything!

That's funny...he kept kicking the thing off!


Anonymous said...