Wednesday, August 4, 2004

Childbirth Classes

Well, we went to childbirth classes last night.  It was pretty interesting.  The lady that was teaching the class was a RN.  She was a nurse in the delivery room for like 8 years.  She was really nice and she really knew her stuff!  We had to introduce ourselves to the class which I hated because I HATE talking infront of people that I don't know!  But I got through it.  There was one couple in there who are due Sept. 29th and their baby ALREADY weighs like 6lbs!  I was like oh my goodness.  The couple said that if the baby continues to grow like that, then they will probably have the baby 3 weeks early.  I couldn't imagine!  We got a folder FULL of information from coping skills, to when to call the doctor, to c-sections, to post partum...AND we got tons of free for diapers, magazines, coupons for free pictures, nipple lotion, and just tons of stuff.  I was really impressed!  What we mostly talked about last night was coping skills when going into labor, the different stages of labor, and medications that you can take during labor to take some of the pain away.  We also learned when we should call the doctor and how to time contractions.  The teacher showed a video of a lady giving birth and they showed the was funny because when Kent saw that he made this noise like "ick" or something.  It was soooo funny.  It was hard not to just bust out laughing!  Then we watched another video of a lady getting an epidural (sp?).  It was all very informative.  Next week we are supposed to bring two pillows and a blanket, so I guess we will be going over breathing techniques.  I am looking forward to it.  The 3rd class we have we are going to get a tour of the birthing suits.  That way we will become "familiar with our surroundings."  I can't wait!  So anyway, that is my update!  Yall be good! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds great Em!  I'm so happy you enjoyed yourselves...I bet you can't wait for that tour!