Tuesday, August 3, 2004

My day!

  Well, Kent and I are heading to our first preparing for parenthood class tonight!  I am so excited about going!  I can't wait to learn all they have to teach me!  The class lasts from 6:30pm-9pm.  And it is 4 classes in a month.  They teach child safety (CPR), different feeding techniques, different labor/pain management, and we get a tour of the birthing suits.  I'm really looking forward to going, because I want to know EVERYTHING that I possibly can before Jon Kent gets here!!!

I also had a doctor's appointment today.  Nothing to really talk about....the heartbeat was good, my belly was measuring right at 24 weeks (even thought I am 25 weeks tomorrow), and he said my weight was right on track (well, one pound under average).  Only thing that upset me was I asked to have another u/s later...like week 35 or so to see how big the baby was measuring.  Well, he said that my insurance only covers for 2 "entertainment" u/s and I have already had those 2.  But I have had 4 in all and my insurance has covered them.  He said it was because those other two were emergency u/s and those are covered.  So pooh...  I think I can bat my eyelashes and roll my lip out enough to make Kent feel bad for me so we can have a 3D one done.  I hope so anyways!  LOL!  Well, there is my little update!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't commented in a while.  I am so happy for you and your bulging belly... I work with a physician's assistant who is pregnant and due the same month as you, and I see her belly swelling, it's cool to know you are prolly the same size!  Birthing classes are fun, ask lots of questions, enjoy yourself!