Thursday, August 5, 2004

My tummy hurts =(

My tummy hurts.  It has been bothering me pretty much all day.  I think my stomach is getting crowded out and I haven't adjusted to eating smaller meals yet.  So when I eat too much or something, it hurts me for the rest of the day.  =(  I guess I will just have to remind myself to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day.  But right now I am HURTING!  Grrr...  I hate to be in pain...LOL...and I am supposed to make it through LABOR???  Haha!  We'll see!  I was at Kent's parent's house earlier swimming while they worked on the deck.  My stomach cramped up like something serious.  So I went and sat down but it still didn't help.  It was the type of pain that makes you double over.  I knew it wasn't anything with the baby because it was too high plus it was in my chest area too.  So I knew it was most likely gas and just eating too much at once.  So, I just came home and laid out on the couch until the pain went away.  It went away and I thought it was gone...but it came back like 30 minutes ago.  I'm hoping it will be gone soon!  Nothing else really happened today.  I went and got my hair trimmed and Kent went and got his driver's license renewed.  We then went to Wally World to pick up a few things.  Kent also washed the car.  I then cooked us supper.  Then we went up to Kent's parent's.  I came home and watched Big Brother and Kent was home shortly after me.  I plan on heading to bed early tonight because I want to get on a good go to bed at 10pm and get up at 7am.  I think it will make me feel better to be on a set time.  I guess only time will tell.  Anyway, that is all that I've got for now!  I'll talk with yall later!


Anonymous said...

awww...I hope you feel better soon!!

Anonymous said...

If you tummy is still hurting you might want to call the doctor.  He probably can tell you something you can take to make it better.