Friday, August 13, 2004

Hurrican Charley, Cleaning, Washing, Olympics

Whew...Hurrican Charley is one mighty storm!  They were thinking it was going to be a 3 but ended up getting to a 4!!!  OH MY GOODNESS!  They said Hurrican Charley was breaking records!  It's amazing!  I hope everyone in Florida has taken cover and is OK!  The weather here because of Hurrican Charley has been VERY nice.  It has really felt like Fall around here.  It feels like I should be putting up the Fall decorations in the yard for Halloween and Thanksgiving and watching a football game.  We have had the windows up ALL DAY!  Sooo nice!

So, my house is clean.  I started cleaning alone but once Kent got back from getting his haircut he pitched in and helped.  We got the house cleaned in like a hour or so.  I wiped counters off, table was cleaned, I swept, vacuumed, cleaned sinks and toilet, and windex mirrors.  Kent dusted the living room and bedroom and he windex the bedroom and mirror and the front door.  So it smells soooo clean in my house!!!!  I have also been washing clothes.  My last load is in the dryer and once I fold those I am done!  I love cleaning in this "fall type" weather!

Now it's time to cook and watch the Olympics.  It comes on at 7pm and lasts until 11pm central time.  I am soooo excited.  I get to watch the Olympics in my clean house with clean clothes on and a full stomach.  What is better than that!!?!?!?!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I agree...Fall temps are the best!!
