Thursday, August 26, 2004

My hubby is sick =(

My poor hubby is sick.  He came out of the bathroom with a white face and dark circles under his eyes.  He was carrying the trash can with him.  He said his stomach was hurting him and he felt like he was going to throw up.  :::::visiting a past memory::::: When we first got married, I say we had been married for 9 months tops.  We went out to eat and something didn't agree with him and he went to the bathroom.  A few minutes later I heard the most horrible even scared the cats!  He threw up all over the bathroom.  He was "aiming" for the shower but it was EVERYWHERE!  So, I told him to just go to bed and I would clean it up...GAG!!!!!!  ::::fast forward to present day::::  When he told me he felt like he was going to throw up my stomach dropped.  I was like please no!  So anyway, we know what it is...his gallbladder.  He needs to have it removed and we are quickly running out of time for him to get it done before the baby is here.  So, we talked about it and he is going to call the doctor (hopefully tomorrow) and set up a time to have it removed.  We figured he could get it done on one of his off days and then take 2 sick days off after that.  The doctor told him that recovery time isn't long, so that is what we are hoping for.  But he needs to get it done soon!  Anyway, yall please pray for him that everything will be fine and that he can get the surgery done and recover quickly!  That's all for now!  Yall be good!


Anonymous said...

I had my gall bladder taken out when my baby was a month old. I thought everybody had heart burn that bad when they were pregnant! LOL.It was nothing -it hurt so bad before that ,that I looked forward to the surgery.I would say that he will need more then 2 days off if he has a job he has to  move around on.Even sitting was hard on me.Maybe he can get it done on a Wed. and just go back on Monday...I just have 4 or 5 little marks on my belly, you can barely see them.I hope he feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm keeping Kent in my prayers for a fast recovery!!


Anonymous said...

Tell Kent I know how he feels. It is an awful pain. I had mine removed at the end of last January. He will feel SO much better when it's gone. I have 3 or 4 little marks on my belly where they removed it. Tell him to go somewhere besides Citizens. Mine was an emergency surgery, I think I was more because of where I was!  Meredith