Monday, August 23, 2004

86 days and counting...

Yup...86 days until I am due.  Whew...seems like a long time when you look at it that way.  But it really is a little over 2 months.  So looking at it that way doesn't seem so long.  I am getting more anxious and excited as the day gets closer.  I have so many questions going through my mind.  Like, "will I be a good mommy?" or "will Jon Kent be hyper or mild?" or "will I be induced or will he come on his own?"  General stuff like that.  I went today to the doctor and had my glucose screening done.  To make sure I don't have gestational diabetes.  If they call me back then it means I have go to in and take a 3 hour test.  Today was only a 1 hour test.  Anyway, if on the 3 hour test, I fail then I have gestational diabetes and I have to either control it with a diet or have to take insulin.  So far they haven't call me...and they said they would only call if my levels weren't normal.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see.  I gained roughly 2 more pounds in the past week!!  I was like how in the world?  So that makes me have a total of 18 pounds so far.  I wanted to only gain 22 pounds but that doesn't look like it is going to happen.  I got to hear the heartbeat again, it was 162 bpm.  I measured right on with how many weeks I am.  So everything so far has checked out just fine.  I am starting to go every 3 weeks right now...then it will be 2 weeks and then 1 week.  I am getting closer!!!  YAY!  I have one baby shower date set.  It's going to be Sept. 25th from 2-4pm.  It's going to be my "friends" shower.  And the other shower I am having sometime in October is going to be a "family" shower.  I am really looking forward to that!  I still have a lot to do around the house though to get ready for the baby.  I need to organize some closets and some cabinets.  But for now all I can really do is clean out the closets and make as much space for the baby as I can.  Because I don't know what all we will get.  I guess when I get it, I will find a place for it then.  *sigh  Well, that is about it.  I have clothes to wash and a nap to take!  Yall be good!

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