Thursday, August 26, 2004


*Blah* is about how I feel.  Nothing is wrong or anything, I just feel blah.  I have done a few things around the house.  I cleaned the nursery up a bit but it's no where near how I want it yet.  There is still a ton of stuff to do in there but I just can't find the motivation to do anything.  I just want to take EVERYTHING out of my house go through it all and then put back in what I know we need and then just redecorate it from top to bottom.  I don't know why but that is just the mood I am in at this point.  I feel like I don't really organize anything, I just move it around.  UGH!  I'm sooo whining right now...but frankly, I don't care.  It's MY JOURNAL, I'll whine if I want to!  I did wash dishes and made me some tea.  For whatever reason, I have been craving tea, so I made some.  I am also washing  I am 1 load down and 3 to go.  I need to hop in the shower and go to town and pick up some things for supper.  But town seems sooooo far away.  Hmmph!  Yes, I'm still whining!  Big Brother comes on tonight.  I guess Kent and I will watch that.  Maybe by then I will be in a better mood.  We'll see.  Well, that's it for now!  I'll talk with yall later...and next time I'll TRY not to whine so much...but no promises though!  BYE! 

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