Saturday, August 7, 2004

Ahh..who *needs* AOL Journal Editors!?!?!

I'm *supposed* to be exercising right now...but it can wait.  I have a bone to pick with the AOL Journal Editors...

I see the same people over and over and over again on the AOL Journal Editor's Top 5 pick.  And although *some* of these journals are VERY interesting...some just....aren't.  And yet they get on there time and time again.  Why is that?  Did they slip yall a $20?  If so, I give yall $14.95 every month...ISN'T THAT ENOUGH!?!?!?!  But I guess not...I *think* I write about fairly interesting stuff.  Somedays may be slower than others...but for the most part I tell about the interesting things that go on in my life...I tell all about my pregnancy and all that goes with that, I share pictures, I add cute little graphics, and use BRIGHT and attracting colors...what more is there to do???

Humph...I give... 

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