Saturday, October 30, 2004


*Labor and Delivery*

Kent was just about to leave for work when we decided with all the stomach pains I was having, that it might be best to call the hospital and talk with someone.  So I did.  The nurse told me to come on in and get monitored.  I thought...OK...probably nothing but atleast I would get checked out and maybe just maybe a miracle would happen and I would be dilated and ready to have this baby.  *NOPE*  I get in and they strap monitors on me and check me.  I am dilated to a big fat ZERO and 50% effaced.  Jon Kent is at a station -2.  So, they let the monitors monitor me for FOUR hours and check me again.  Once again....ZERO dilated and 50% effaced and still -2 station.  *sigh*  The nurse smiled and said...see you in a couple of weeks...



Anonymous said...

Awww...I'm so sorry sweetie...he is messing with you ya know!

You will have a great story to share with him when he gets older hehe


Anonymous said...

My first baby was induced at 38 weeks,she had stopped growing at 33 weeks,she is fine now, anyway I had no clue about what to expect with my ds, so I had to go to the hospital to get monitered too.It was sooo disapointing to go back with no baby!They told me sometimes the baby just sit on a nerve and it will feel like contractions, who knows!
One day you will be able to laugh about this with Jon Kent...
Are you able to eat better now? I do hope so!

Anonymous said...

good luck how exciting!

Anonymous said...

I've thought through my whole pregnancy that I was going to have this baby early. I am....3 days until my due date and no baby :o)

And I've been dialated for weeks!  So don't let the 0 dialation get you down, it means nothing.  There are women who dialate quickly...and others like me...

I'll probably wind up being induced next weekend unless this baby changes his mind and comes before then.

Good luck!
