Tuesday, October 12, 2004

My doctor's appointment

I went for my "34 week appointment" today.  It went fairly well.  I peed in a cup (woohoo) and they didn't have to stick my finger!  Anyway, they weighed me (UGH) and I gained SIX pounds!!!  SIX!!!!  I was like what?!  So, after that I wasn't in a very good mood.  The more I thought about it though, the more I knew it couldn't be right.  I started thinking about it and I usually wear flip-flops but today I had on some heavy shoes...so while at the doctor's office I decided once I got home I was weighing them suckers.  Anyway, we go in the room and they take my blood pressure it was 125/83 or something like that.  Jon Kent's heart rate was 153bpm and I was measuring right on for 34/35 weeks.  He checked to see where Jon Kent's head was and thankfully it was still down.  The doctor said that it "should stay that way" so everything is still a go for a natural (when I say natural I mean vaginal) delivery.  Anyway, I go back October 26th and after that appointment I will go every week.  So, back to my shoes weighing me down.  So, I get home and weigh myself WITH the shoes.  Then I weigh myself without the shoes and I was 2.5 lighter.  SO THERE!!!!!!  I only gained 3.5 pounds!  It made me feel a bit better, but I still exercised for 45 minutes today and I have only drank water.  We'll see how this works out.    I got another package in the mail today from a friend over the internet!  It was full of baby goodies!!!  Which you can see it all in the picture!  So, yall enjoy and I am off to spend the rest of the night with my hubby!  Yall be good!!!

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