::::::::::::::::::::::::Theme song from COPS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
LOL...today was just too funny. About 12:45pm or so I heard this noise, like I car was having trouble. So I look out the door and see this man hop out of his car and start walking down the road. Well, as he was walking I noticed that my mailbox, the pole it was on was in two pieces. And my neighbor's mailbox was messed up too. What happened was the car's tire fell off and either the tire hit the mailboxes or the car itself did. Well, I run and wake Kent up and tell him. So, we go out there and get the tag number of the car. And since we couldn't find that man, we called the police. Well, they get here and we are all talking because the police couldn't do anything because we were out of the city limits...anywho, so we were waiting on a state trooper to get here. Well, as we were standing there with the cops the car drives by real slowly and has it's blinker on. Well, the guy on the passenger side was the guy who hit our mailboxes. And I was like that was the man who hit our milboxes. Well, instead of pulling over they keep going...lol...this is where it gets interesting. The cop hops on his motorcycle and takes off after them. Well, a few mintues later they all come back. In the mean time while waiting on the trooper the guy doesn't have any ID, no insurance papers, and the tag on the car isn't even the right tag for the car. So, finally the trooper gets there and we are all standing around. Well, about that time the cop tells the trooper that the guy is saying his name is one thing, but the girl he is with refuses to tell him what the man's name is. So, that raises some red flags. Well, a little while later another cop pulls up and questions the guy. Then that cop leaves and another cop pulls up, pats the man down and hand cuffs him and takes him to jail. Well, Kent goes back out there and is talking to the trooper and the trooper said the man wouldn't tell them his name, plus the car belonged to a dealership and they told him not to take the car and he did. So they are going to press charges on him as well. LOL...the moral of this story......don't mess with my mailbox!