Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Day Three of Dieting

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Well, my day three of dieting has come to an end.  Today, I walked two miles and did water aerobics.  I didn't drink as much water as I probably should, but after drinking it constantly I just had to take a break!  I drank my SlimFast shake for breakfast and had a bar for lunch.  I have drunk about a total of 160z of water today (told yall I have been bad at that).  I'm going to try and get anothe 12-20oz in before bed tonight.  That was basically my dieting for the day.

The rest of my day consisted of me going to Wally World.  I needed to pick up a few things.  It was nice getting out and just enjoying the weather.  Tomorrow is suppose to be pretty too.  I'm looking forward to it.  When I got home I cleaned the house up a bit and cleaned out the litter box (ick).  And now my house looks so good.  My windows are up and I can hear all the little noises.  The breeze that blows through feels so good.  I love the way my house smells when I have the windows up.  It smells fresh.  Especially after being closed up for most of the winter.  Back to my day...  I cooked supper.  We had ham, mashed potatoes, and mac and cheese.  It was good...if I do say so myself.  And now we are just watching TV.  I plan on painting my nails tonight sometime.  I don't want to go to the doctor tomorrow with ugly toenails and fingernails.  Anywho, that is all for now!  I'll talk with yall later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck at your appt! You will be in my thoughts!