Thursday, March 25, 2004

So much for tanning...


Well, as of yesterday, I was going to lay out in the sun and soak up some rays.  But I totally forgot about a doctor's appointment that I have today.  So, so much for tanning today.  Maybe tomorrow I can catch up on my rays.  The weather is still supposed to be pretty so I'll just manage until tomorrow.

Today I have basically done nothing.  I did iron Kent's uniform and my clothes but besides that I haven't done much else.  It will be OK cause next week I will make up for it while doing my Spring Cleaning.  I still need to find something to cook for supper tonight.  What I really need to do is go grocery shopping...but ick...I hate doing that.  I guess I could do that Monday.  But I still need to pick up some milk and bread and OJ.  We'll see.

Well, that is all for now.  I'm off to get ready to go to my appointment.  I'll talk with yall later!!!!!!

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