Friday, March 19, 2004

Update on Kacie

Well, the update on Kacie is she is doing fine.  They have tapped up her tail and we are having to give her antibiotics (sp?) twice a day and then some pain medication to make her sleep every 8-12 hours.  She has to go back Monday to see if she needs to get 3 inches of her tail removed.  Poor thing.  Plus, her stuck up sister (Sammie) is being sooo mean to her.  I guess because she came back smelling like other animals.  Sammie is just being mean.  I guess with time she will get used to her again.  But in the mean time it is driving me up the wall!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have one thing to say: CUT IT OFF! That's right, our organization, Cat's United Tails In Town Official Fan Fighters stand against cat abuse.....we are watching you!