Wednesday, March 24, 2004



I am so happy that Spring is finally here.  And hopefully to stay!  The tempature is finally going up and hopefully staying up!  Today it is supposed to be in the mid 70's and then for the rest of the week it's supposed to be in the high 70's low 80's.  Woohoo....perfect tanning weather!  AND the days are getting longer which I so love!  I have so much to do though when Spring comes.  Next week I have Spring Cleaning which I already have a list made out  And then I plan on planting either next week or the next.  I am so excited.  Who would have ever guessed that I would love to garden?  Not me.  Anyway, back to my Spring Cleaning, it will last somewhere between 2-3 days.  I mean I am doing it all: cleaning out closets, dusting walls and pretty much anything else, mopping, sweeping, wiping, etc, etc.  So hopefully at the end I will have a nice clean home, here's hoping anyways.  Today has been good.  I got up at 8 even though I could have slept in cause Kent had to work.  But I got up and made some breakfast.  I then straightened up my house: i.e swept, put things up, wiped counters off, washed dishes,etc.  And then started washing clothes.  My last load is in the dryer now..woohoo!  I then made some lunch and made the leftovers for Kent's lunch tomorrow.  Then I iron Kent's uniform for work tomorrow and got it looking all wrinkle free.  I then got the mail and watered my plants.  Anyway, back to my day, after watering the plants I have mainly just sat around.  I'm about to hop in the shower and get ready for Kent to come home.  So, I'll talk with yall later!


Anonymous said...

I love spring! THe smell of fresh air, the cool breeze coming through the windows. Ahhhh

Anonymous said...

Please send me some Spring!!! ~Erin