Friday, March 5, 2004

Weather/ Day 5 of Dieting


The weather is being such a pain.  I went to water aerobics and there was a lady there that said the weather may get bad tonight.  So, I hurry home afterwards and turn on the TV and all it is saying is some Thunderstorms.  Which that is the national weather channel.  The local stations are more accurate.  But I didn't look on any of those.  I like storms but I don't like tornados.  I think they are an awesome show of nature, but when people get hurt or killed it's just not cool anymore.


Today so far, I have had my shake for breakfast and my bar for lunch.  I think we will be eating Subway tonight.  I have a craving for it.  So, chances are we will be eating there.  I walked 2 miles this morning and then swam a couple of labs.  I then did an hour of water aerobics and came home.  Once I got home I decided to clean a little bit.  I just wiped counter tops off and swept and vacummed.  I dusted a little and windex the mirror in the bathroom.  I cleaned the bathroom a little bit and just straightened everything up in the house.  Nothing major.  It only took me about 30 minutes.  Not too bad.

Well, I guess that is all for now!  I'll talk with yall later!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jeez, just reading what you do in one day makes me feel tired! lol
