Monday, March 1, 2004

Day One of Losing Weight

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Well, for the most part today was pretty good.  I had a SlimFast shake in the morning and then went and walked about a mile and a half.  I then got in the pool and did two laps.  After that I did my water aerobics.  It was a good workout.  After exercising I came home and drank what seems like a gallon of water.  Which was followed by numerous trips to the bathroom.  I then had a SlimFast bar with 12oz of water for lunch.  It was quiet filling to be honest.  After lunch, Kent and I did yoga together.  We decided on his two off days from weight lifting that we would do yoga together.  It was quiet funny.  But it really did work my body.  Now, I am just relaxing after my long day of work outs.

Today at water aerobics one of the directors of the rec center asked me if I would be interested in teaching a yoga class there two days a week.  I would have to get certified to do it and plus it costs a lot to get certified.  I told them I would be interested in doing it.  But now I'm not so sure.  I know I could do it, but it's just getting all the stuff in line to do it.  I'm a little scared about how I would get my certification and all.  I guess I can talk more about it with them later on in the week.  We'll just see how it goes.

Well, that is all for now!  I'll talk with yall later!!!  BYEEEEE!

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