Sunday, March 28, 2004


So, far like the past hour and a half I have been tagging clothes for my yard sale.  Who knew it was a pain in the booty to make money?  Anyway, I'm done with all of the clothes part.  I still have to do purses and frames and stuff like that.  Plus, my parents are donating stuff for it, so I also have to tag that.  And all this has to be done by Friday.  Cause I do not want to run around like a chicken with my head cut off on Saturday.  Like I said earlier, if you are in the area come by and see us this Saturday!  I need all the help I can get...this Florida trip isn't going to pay for itself.  But that would be nice wouldn't it?!?!

Well, other than yard sale stuff, all I did today was go to church.  I mostly sat around the house and did nothing.  When Kent got home we ran to Wally World to pick up a few things.  And then we came home.  The Kent went back to town to pick up some supper.  And then the rest of the night we just sat around.  Cause Kent doesn't feel all that great...allergies.  Poor thing.  He went to bed at 9:00pm.  I hope he feels better soon!

Well, that is all for now!  I'll talk with yall later!!!  BYE!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I lived near ya, I would stop by and take a peak at what you have...but I don't :( So good luck with the sale...I hope you have lots of customers!