Sunday, October 26, 2003

I've got feelings......

Isn't that a song?  Anyway, I have been having soooo many feelings lately.  And honestly, I don't know what the feelings really are or what they mean.  I have been overwhelmed with feelings.  From wanting a baby now to not wanting one cause I am afraid my body will reject it or that things just won't turn out like they are supposed to.  I have feelings of where my whole life is right now.  It's crazy sounding I know, but its just the way I am feelig right now.  I know the only person that understands one word I am saying is me...and eventually I'll get everything straight, but until then I will just have to stuggle with this and hopefully have everything worked out soon.  I need to take a sleeping pill and just crash for the night.  Maybe I'll do that later on...we'll see....or I may be back in a couple of hours writing about something else...who knows.  Keep checking for updates!  Later gators!

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