Saturday, October 25, 2003

Just because....

Today so far has been an uneventful day.  I say so's already 9:00pm here.  So I guess my day is pretty much over.  And I've done nothing.  I made breakfast for Kent before he had to go to work.  I cooked biscuits, sausage, and eggs.  It was pretty good.  I wasn't all that hungry, but it was good.  I am now at my parent's house watching the Auburn football game, which to this point is not the greatest game in the world.  We are getting our butts kicked!  Oh well.

I think later on this weekend or sometime this coming up week I am going to finish priming our extra bedroom and get it ready to be painted.  I'll be glad when that room gets done for many reasons.  One reason is, we started back when I was preggo in August.  And it sits the same as it was then.  Reason number two is because once its done, I can make into a craft room...atleast until we are preggo again.  Until that happens I can work with my beading in there instead of on the living room floor!

I am so ready to be pregnant again.  I am really hoping it happens soon.  It's been a little over two months since we miscarriaged and the doctors have said that we can start trying again.  I hope this next pregnancy is a healthy one.  Even though I am ready for another chance, I am also really scared.  Scared that my body will reject it or that the baby just won't develope correctly.  I can only hope and pray for a healthy baby next go around.  I'll keep yall updated.

Well, it's time for me to go and finish watching this Auburn game...woohoo.  I'll talk with yall later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be hoping and praying for you to have a happy, healthy pregnancy really soon, too! Good luck!