I just wanted to say, "Whew, Feb. is over and March is here!" Don't forget that St. Patty's day is just around the corner!!!! Happy March everyone!!!
My journaling on AOL from 2003-2008.
I just wanted to say, "Whew, Feb. is over and March is here!" Don't forget that St. Patty's day is just around the corner!!!! Happy March everyone!!!
I'm starting a diet tomorrow. It's nothing huge though. No carb counting or starving techniques. I'm just going to do a SlimFast diet. I've looked at so many others and I just feel more comfortable going with SlimFast. I'm going to give it a 2 week trial run and see how it goes. If it works then great, if not then I'll go back to the drawing board. I just get so frustrated so easily. I'm currently at a weight that I have never been at in my life. And I never wanted to weigh this much unless I was pregnant. So, I definately don't want to get pregnant at this weight! I want to lose about 12 pounds. I'm hoping to lose atleast 3 the first week. Or atleast go down a pant size by the end of the two weeks. That's reasonable right? I'll still be doing water aerobics 3 times a week and I'll also be walking a mile or two 3 times a week. I'll do yoga 2 times a week (Kent is going to join me those two days). I'll also do my muscle toning on the days I'm not walking. My abs workouts will probably be done with my toning. Sounds like a lot doesn't it. Not really...I've beening doing most of this for a month now. Well, except the yoga...I was doing it but just got away from it for a bit. But I'm starting it back up soon! I'll let yall know how it all turns out. Here hoping I am 3 pounds lighter this time next week!
The weather is so pretty here! Highs in the high 60's and the sun is shining!!! I just love it. I have all my doors open and windows up. I just love it when it's cool outside and I can raise all the windows and just enjoy the cool breeze that blows through! I have been outside some today cleaning the inside of my car. It needed it so badly! I also went out there to pull up my tulips I got for Valentine's Day. I pulled all of them out of the pot and wrapped them up in newspaper until I can plant them in the fall. I wish I had already planted some last fall so I could enjoy them this spring. Oh well. I am still going to plant some flowers come late March or early April. I can't wait! I have also done some cleaning at my house. I vacummed and swept all the floors. I am about to go and dust..I think. We'll see. For the most part I am just going to roam around my house and clean as I go I guess. Kent is at work, so I am going to have to keep myself busy. Well, that is all for now, I will update later!
Today is the day I have been anxiously waiting to get here. Now that it is finally here, I am sad. But it's not as tough as I had told myself it would be. Yet, it's only been 30 minutes into the day so far. I wanted to share with you a poem that I wrote after my second miscarriage. I wrote it for both of my babies that have already gone to heaven.
I also want to thank everyone who has supported Kent and me through this tough time in our lives. Without yall it would have been much, much, harder. So thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!
All though I will never have the chance to see my baby, I will always think of him and know that God plans were for him to be in heaven.
It's now time for me to heal and and move on. Stephen will always always hold a special place in my heart.
"To My Baby Born Angel"
I was so happy to know you were here
That soon your heartbeat I would hear
But never a chance did I get
Cause in heaven for you was a better fit
For a short while you were my sunshine
And in my heart I will always call you mine
Although you are not here for me to see
I know you are in heaven with glee
You are safe in the arms of God
Where you will sweetly and gently nod
Please my baby never forget
That here on earth I will sit
And think of you as the day goes through
That you are my baby and I love you
Please start with Part 1 below...
Tonight has been fun, but for a moment I just couldn't help but be sad. It hit me that Friday is the day that I have wished would just go away. To my surprise, I have been good this whole week and I hope to continue that tradition as we go on to Friday. But tonight I was watching TV and someone mention the idea of they might be pregnant...and it was like whoa now... I'll just be glad when it all passes... On a good note...I'll go to the doctor next week. Which hopefully will jumpstart a new road to pregnancy! I'm really looking forward to it. I was telling Kent that I have a good feeling about it. I don't want to get my hopes up or anything but right now I just have peace about it all. And honestly I think everything will be OK. After two miscarriages I'm looking forward to seeing why God decided to allow that to happen. I mean there has to be something great out there. I'm looking forward to seeing the child God does allow me to have. That baby is truly going to be a special, special miracle! Well, that is all for...signing off from the house of ice....this is Emily your cute little icecube reporter!
I must say that it is cold! And to top it off...lol....we are almost out of gas. We have resorted to turning all heaters off and just bundling up for the night. Once we actully heard about the snow (which was like 3 this afternoon) Kent went and checked the gas level and sure enough it was almost on empty. So Kent calls the gas company hoping that they could get out before the end of the day. Well, it's 10:30pm and we are still cold. They will be here tomorrow so it will be OK. We just pulled out some blankets and put on some extra clothes. It has actually been kinda fun. Kent and I snuggled up and watched TV...we had some hot coffee and we have just laughed and played around. Although the cats would beg to differ...their poor little ears were cold. But they too soon found their place in all the blankets. Tomorrow it will be OK...we aren't expected to get anymore than an inch of snow...woohoo. But anyways, it was a fun night anyway.
Well, I am somewhat looking forward to the night. I plan to just relax and enjoy the night. I plan on painting my toenails and making them look pretty. I then plan on watching American Idol and voting for who I think is the best performer. I just love that show. After American Idol I plan on watching "One Tree Hill". I didn't get to see the first few shows of the season but once I started watching I found myself hooked. After "One Tree Hill" goes off, I really don't have any plans beyond that. I may exercise. We'll just have to see. Or maybe I'll read a book. I don't know yet. I still have a lot to do before my night of relaxing can begin. I want to clean my house up a bit, i.e. clean counters, sweep, and dust. But that shouldn't take too much time. Atleast I hope not. Well, I better get to it. I'll talk with yall later! BYEEEE!!!
OK...I'm bored. Kent is at work and there is no one on-line to talk to. Come on people...can't anyone stay up past 10? I know what is running through your mind..."Some people have to get up in the morning and go to work." Yeah I know. I understand. It's OK...just leave me here to be bored...lol. Just kidding... Kent called a while ago and we talked for a bit. Then my cat threw up (yeah I know too much information) on my brand new carpet. I think I cleaned it up where it won't leave a stain. Atleast I hope so...for Sammie's sake (my cat). Cause if not Kent will have a fit!
Earlier I called Amstar to see if they had any tickets left for the movie "The Passion of the Christ." And the guy told me that Fri. and Sat. shows were sold out and all shows after 4pm were sold out. So, I was like OK. Well, Kent then calls me and tells me he called them and that all shows are sold out except for one show Saturday. So, I guess I won't be seeing the movie this weekend. Which I am kinda disappointed about and kinda not. I want to see the movie but at the same time I am scared it will be too intense for me and I won't be able to take it. I get really emotionally tied into a movie and even hours after the movie I still feel like I am living it. So, I am scared what this movie might do. But I still want to see if cause I know that Christ endured a lot for me and I want to have a better understanding of it all.
Well, I guess I have rambled enough. I'll talk with yall later!
Well, to my surprise, when I got home from working out Kent told me that my doctor's office had called and wanted to give me the results to my blood test. I honestly didn't think I would know until I went and visited him on March 4th. Anyway, I called back and she told me that all my tests came back fine except for my progesterone. She said it was really low. So when I go back to see my doctor he will probably start me on a round of clomid and then a round of progesterone just in case I get pregnant. Apparently that has been my problem the whole time. And with the first pregnancy we just had no idea and with the second one we just didn't catch it in time. So hopefully, this will be it. And the next pregnancy will be a good one and we will get a big healthy baby out of it. :::::sign of relief:::: With all that said, I still have to go see my doctor on March 4th. And we will talk in detail more about the whole situation. But for now I am feeling good about it all. I am hoping soon this will all be a thing of the past and I can look forward to a healthy baby!!!!!
"Low" That is my fertility status now. It was high for like 2 weeks and it never did reach peak. So personally I think there is my answer to my miscarriages. But am no professional doctor so I could be wrong. I just have a feeling that my body isn't producing enough progesterone. Which is vital in a pregnancy. I just hope when I go to the doctor (March 4th) he can give us some answers. And hopefully we can start trying for a December baby or early 2005 baby. I hope so! Yall just keep me in your prayers. I was talking to my mother-in-law and Granny (Kent's grandmother) yesterday and we were talking about my miscarriages. I was telling them how hard it would be for me to go through another miscarriage. And they all agreed. It was hard enough the first time and then the second I was more in shock and denial more than anything. I have no idea how I would manage to get through a third one. Whew, I don't even want to think about it. And for those of your who don't know. This week I would be due with my first baby. Actually Feb. 27th is the exact date. So, needless to say, I will be glad when this week is over. I'll be happy when March gets here!!!! Anywho, that is all for now. I'm off to tan! Later gator!
I'm in PAIN!!!!! My back is killing me. How old am I again??? 72??? No, that can't be right....ahhh yes...20. Then why do I feel so old? I'm young, strong, flexable, and YOUNG....why then is my back in knots? I have no idea why it is hurting so badly. Only thing I can think of it when I went shopping today I just was on my feet too much. We shopped from 9:30am until about 5:30pm. With only lunch as a resting time. I tell you what...Kent's Granny can shop! Whew, she wore me out! But I must say, I found me some cute clothes and they were bargains!!!!!!! Well, sorry such a short entry but I am tired and after I get my hubby off the Playstation, I am going to bed!!!!
As my stylist said, "sassy". That describes my hair cut. I really do like it! I was so proud. At first when she was through cutting it, I about lost it. I was looking in the mirror calculating how long it would take me to grow it back. I was thinking, "ok, if I take this pill that supposedly makes hair grow faster then it will only take me 6 months or so....6 MONTHS OR SO???"..."what have I done??" But when it was completely dried and colored...WOW! What a difference! I love it so much. I feel like I finally look 20 and not 15 or 16. So, I am happy. She went through my hair and foiled some of it like a deep auburn and then around my face she did like a strawberry blonde. Needless to say, it's BEAUTIFUL....lol. I'm getting carried away, but I really do like it!
OK, ok, ok...enough about the hair. Today I walked a mile and then played about 15 minutes of basketball with Kent. And then for the most part we just sat around the house and watched TV. Tomorrow Kent is going to Auburn with his dad, brother, and grandfather. And I am going shopping with my mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law. We are leaving around 9 or so. I don't know where we are going though. I just hope I can get up early enough to fix my hair...I am so afraid I will never get it to look this good again...lol...there I go with the whole hair thing again...sorry. Well, for the most part that is it. I guess I'll talk with yall later!!!
Can someone please kiss my boo-boo??? I went today to take all my lab tests for the doctor. And when that lady stuck me with that needle I about freaked. I don't like needles at all, but I'm not all that afraid of them. But this lady...she by no means was gentle. And now I have a bruise... I guess I'll get over it though. I go back on March 4th @ 11:00am to see the doctor.
And we will know where we stand then. I am so anxious and ready to get it done. I'm worried though that they didn't get enough blood. I guess they did though....
After going to the doctor, Kent and I went to the Summit and went shopping at Old Navy. They had a lot of their Spring stuff out so I loaded up for Spring and Summer. Kent and I had a blast shopping. Usually I don't like shopping with Kent, but today it wasn't bad at all. We had fun.
Well, tomorrow I go and get my hair colored. I am so nervous. I am seriously hoping that it turns out pretty. If not I am going to die...seeing how I am spending some serious on this new do. Oh well. Well, that is all for now. I'll talk with yall later!!!!
Tomorrow is the day that needles will become my best friend. They will provide many samples of my blood to be tested on and evaluated. Even though I don't look forward to all the poking and sticking, I know it is the only way that my questions will be answered. I am sooo nervous and anxious about the whole process. I'm just hoping that everything goes OK...and that this time next month I will be trying to get pregnant.
I had a great time exercising today. I walked 2 miles in 30 minutes. I was seriously proud of doing that. And after walking I did water aerobics. There is a lady there that must think I am poor or something. She keeps trying to give me clothes that she finds at the thrift store. She has already tried to give me 2 bathing suits and now she wants to give me a shirt or a dress or something. I keep telling her that I that I am fine and don't need anything. I don't know what is up with that. Oh well....that is all for now! Later gator!
I love purses. I have a fairly large collection of them already. And goodness knows how many more I want. Growing up I wasn't really into "girly" things. But somewhere after high school, I just starting loving purses. I just can't get enough of them. Sadly enough, I have thought about learning how to sew just so I can make my own purses. How sad is that? When I told Kent that, he just rolled his eyes. But I would make them for others of course...that is if I could bring myself to part with them. It's a sad sad thing...
I got two hair magazines today. I'm going to look through them and see if I can find the hair style I want. Kent told me the other day that he liked my hair short. I was totally shocked by that. I like it short too, but I also like it long. We'll just have to see what happens. I don't want to be stuck with an ugly hair cut for 6 weeks or more. Oh well.. That is all for now! I'll talk with yall later!!!
Well, my house is clean. I swept, I mopped, I dusted, I vacummed, I straightened, I washed clothes, I wiped counters, I cleaned the bathroom...I just flat out cleaned. It took me around 3 hours to do it all. But it is all done. The trash was taken out and everything. I always feel so accomplished after cleaning. I feel like I've done something good. Like I contributed to the household. Anyway, it felt good.
I didn't get a chance to exercise today. Which I'm not too upset about. With all the running around I did today, I can almost say without a doubt that I atleast got a mile in today. So, I'll just count that as exercising. But tomorrow will be different. I'm going to walk and do water aerobics. I'm hoping to get two miles in tomorrow, but since I haven't really walked since last Friday, I don't know if it will happen or not. Well, just have to see.
Still no ovulation. GRRRRRRR.... Of all months to ovulate late...why this month? I'm almost to the point now where I just don't care. Just give me a cocktail of fertility drugs and be done with it. But I know that that just isn't the way to go. I know I need these tests ran and I know that we need to figure out what is going on. But sometimes, I swear it just gets so frustrating. Maybe tomorrow I will ovulate. But who knows...
I got a new shelf thingy to go in my bathroom. It's so cute. I put all our towels and rags in it. And it has tons of storage. In a small house like mine, you can never have too much storage. Anywho, that is all for today! Later gator!!!
Kent and I went to Lowes tonight (well last night...seeing how it's 12:05am). We went looking for a new area rug. Since being married we have gone through 3 area rugs. The one we bought tonight is our 3rd. I'm hoping this one last longer. It's a better quality rug and it's a dark brown with thin khaki stripes going down it. It's a fairly large rug, but it looks so good. I am going to have to get new curtains to match. Right now I have blue curtains...so they don't really go together. That will have to be a project for me later. We got the rug for a really good price. I think we paid around $69 dollars for it. It's a 9ftX12ft rug. I am just too proud!
I'm currently debating on rather or not to start cleaning my house right now. Or wait until the morning after I get up. I'm going to try and really clean it. Not spring clean or anything like that, but really get down and clean it. I have made myself a to do list...we'll see what happens. I'm hoping I get it all done. Plus, I want to exercise sometime tomorrow as well. So much to do...
I just got done watching Pretty in Pink. It's one of my all time favorites. I have a friend that I grew up with...Pretty in Pink was our favorite movie. Once I found out it was coming on TV, I just had to call her. Even though I've seen it like a million times, I still love it! Anywho... That is all for now! I'll talk with yall later!!!!
Not a good start to my day! I got up this morning and everything was fine. I went into the spare room to turn on the computer. At the same time I was looking around for a CD and the case to go with it. Well, I ran across a package that was addressed to me. I thought "well this is funny...why didn't Kent show this to me?" Well, as I started looking at it...I realized it was a box of Similac..which is baby formula. The company sends out two cans of free formula to all new mothers...around the time of their due date. At first I wasn't upset...I was just taken back by it. Then the more I thought about it the more it sunk in the whole reality of what was happening. Now I am just sick to my stomach. But I am going to try and see the bright side of this. That maybe someone I know needs that formula. I'm trying not to let it upset me too much. But I still know deep in my heart that if things went the way we all thought they would, I would be a mother right now or at the very least a huge, swollen, about to pop pregnant woman right now.... But in the end I know that God is in control and He knows best...I just have to keep telling myself that!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope your day is filled with love and lots of chocolate! I am presently at my parent's house. I was thrown out by my huband until 5 o'clock. He is getting things ready for tonight. He is just too sweet. I can't wait to see what all he has planned. He told me I had to leave so he could prepare the house. Who knows what he is doing.... I can't wait though. We have already given each other our gifts. We aren't good with waiting until the special day to give each other our gifts. Oh well...
Sorry, that I didn't update yesterday. I was somewhat busy. I went walking yesterday. I only did a mile though. And then I did water aerobics. It was fun though, cause my friend Lesli was there. It made things go by a lot faster. I came home and straightened up the house. Then when Kent got home we went to his sister's last basketball game. Then we went to Wal-Mart to try and find some flowers. But they were all ugly. We did finally find some flowers else where. They were pretty. We then went to my grandmother's, my mom's, his mom's, and his grandmother's to deliever the flowers. They all seemed to like them. We did the whole Valentine thing yesterday cause we knew today would be way too busy. Anywho, we then went home and ate and watched "A Guy Thing". It was a good little movie. Then we went to bed. That was my day.
As for the rest of my day today...I'll have to update yall on that later! So until then...Later gator....XOXO
UGH!!!! Currently, my local Wally World is under going surgery. They are turning it into a Super Center. Well, right now they are in the process of moving all the stuff around so they can redo all the old floors. Well, nothing make sense. They have ironing boards and all that stuff in one area, yet the starch is waaaaaayyyy on the other side of the store. They have the cleaning stuff mixed in with the toys...what? Come on now...atleast try to keep everything semi organized. It drove me crazy. I went in there today to pick up a few things and it took me like 45 minutes to find the stuff. I didn't think I would ever find everything. I just roamed around in there until I stumbled upon it. Anyway, I'll be glad when they have everything done. Atleast then I can buy my groceries all at the same place. But poor little Food World....I don't think it will have a chance. Shame....
Today, I went to Wally World....duh....and to Food World, and then Winn-Dixie. I came home and unloaded all that...which was sooo fun because it was raining and cold. But it got done. Then I started washing clothes. I then washed dishes and straightened the house up a bit. Then my friend Lesli called and we talked for about an hour. While talking with her I started cooking supper. I cooked chicken with veggies. Then we had grapes and strawberries for desert. It was good. But I was still hungry afterwards. After supper I hopped in the shower and took a nice HOT shower...it was nice. Then I curled up on the couch and watched Friends. It was sooo good! I can't until next week. Anywho, after Friends Kent and I went back to Wally World and picked up some more stuff. Kent is going all out for Valentine's Day...hehehee. Then we came home and watched TV. That was my day! On to tomorrow....
PS: My husband is the best! He brought me home flowers. They are sooo pretty. White roses with some pretty type purple flower. Anyway, they are pretty and I love my husband!
Well, 3 days and counting... For those of you looking at your calendar to see what in the world I am talking about...I'll save you some time. It's Valentine's Day! I'm really looking forward to V-day this year. Last year Kent took me to this great hotel with a real nice restaurant in it. It was so romantic. We had a great time. After dinner we went out for a movie and came back and just spent time together. It was so nice. This year Kent is cooking dinner for me. He is making me leave the house for the day and just do what I want to do. And then when I get back he will have everything done for me. He is sooo sweet! I can't wait!
My day today was great. I got a good workout in and I feel so much better when I get to exercise. I did another 2 miles today and ran steps. Then I went to water aerobics and did that for about an hour. I felt so good afterwards. I had a ton of energy. I came home after working out and cooked lunch for Kent. He got an hour for lunch today so he came home and we had lunch together. After Kent went back to work, I went to my parent's house and tanned. After tanning I came home and just layed around and watched TV. I watched Starting Over and Dr. Phil. Then I hopped in the shower. Now, I am waiting on Kent to return from Captian D's with supper. The rest of my night will be made of spending time with Kent and watching TV. I hope everyone has a good night! Later gator...
PS: If you live in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and some parts of Florida...enjoy the rain...it looks like it will be here for awhile....
MISSING: A big hunk of gray mass...it has a lot of information stored in it. It's a semi oval shaped mass with deep wrinkles in it. If you find it please mail it back to me. It would be greatly appreciated!
Seriously yall...I'm losing my mind. A friend and I went out last Saturday night. We ate, we shopped, and we talked about the old days...not that it was all that long ago. Anywho, I swear half the stuff we talked about I didn't even remember. And yet for some reason I know it happened. I kept thinking to myself..."Emily, you are only 20 years old...granted you will be 21 in May, but that isn't old...so why are you losing your mind already?" And then I got on here to write a entry and I barely remembered writing the pervious entry. After thinking about it for a couple of seconds it all came back to me. But come on now... Isn't there a vitamin I can take for this??? It's starting to freak me out. I'm afraid I will wake up one morning and look over at Kent and ask..."Hey you...why are you in my bed....who are you??? Oh well...atleast I still know where my phone and keys are...for now anyways....
Today was an ab workout day. I do cardio (running, walking, jogging, etc.) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I do my abs on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Well this routine is what I mostly stick to, but there are times that I just do both cardio and abs on the same day. Anywho, I take Sundays off. I did about 30 minutes of abs and then I did my arms and back. I don't lift weights yet though. I use a stretchy band. It helps tone my muscles. It does build muscle but only to a certain point. Which is fine by me. I don't to be a girl that has huge or even semi big muscles. Slim and firm is what I want to have.
Anywho, after working out for about 45 minutes I decided to clean up my house a little bit. Thank goodness it didn't take long to clean it all. I finished it all in about 30 minutes. I'm currently washing clothes. Only 2 1/2 more loads and I will be done! I have no idea what I am doing tonight. I guess when Kent gets home we'll figure something out.
I talked with Melissa about coloring my hair. And she told me that the best thing for me to do was to foil my hair with one color and then go back through and add a lighter color on top of that. That way we won't be putting any coloring directly onto the scalp. So when I get pregnant I can still have touch ups done without having color on my scalp. So, I go the 20th for that appointment. I was going to get my hair cut today, but Melissa had a death in the family...so we are just going to wait until the 20th to cut my hair as well. I hope it turns out pretty. I'm looking forward to it, but at the same time I am nervous about it as well. Well, that is all for now. I'll talk with yall later!
The question of the day is...should I color my hair or not? The color that I am going for is actually already in my hair. My hair is a brown color, but it has natural Auburn highlights. I want my highlight color to be my full color and then add some different highlights. It's crazy sounding I know, but I have been thinking about doing it for sometime. Right before I got pregnant the first time I was thinking about it, but all the books that I read said not to do it during your first trimester just because the color might not take. So, here I am knowing I am NOT pregnant and thus want to get my hair colored before I do get pregnant. Kent is going to get his hair cut tomorrow and I am thinking about going with him and talking with Melissa (she cuts Kent's and my hair) about it and all the costs that go with it. We'll see tomorrow I guess.
Anywho, tomorrow I am getting up around 7ish and doing all the house work that needs to be done and then I am off to walk a mile or two before water aerobics. I took last week off because 1) Kent's moma was in the Bahamas and 2) My "friend" showed up and I just didn't feel up to it. But I did lose 2 pounds last week! Woohoo!!!!
My day today was pretty good. I went to bed about 2:30ish in the morning and then got back up around 8:15ish in the morning and got ready to go to church. But let me tell you...I did not want to get out of bed for anything! It was soooo cold and my bed was sooooo warm! But I managed. After church we went to Granny's house to eat lunch. I stayed over there and talked with Granny and Kent's moma and little sister while all the boys went down to my house to play PS2. It was fun though. Then Kent and I came home and took a short nap and then ate some supper. We went to my moma and daddy's house to visit with them. I tanned while I was there. Then we went to Winn-Dixie to pick a few things up. And then we came home and played PS2. Now, I am about to get in the bed and get some shut eye! I'll talk with yall later!!!!!
This storm system is moving so sllloooowwwwlllllyyy!!!! It's 9:45 here and this system has been in Alabama all day...and its just barely getting to where I'm at. There is flooding everywhere. And they said if the storm stayed in any given spot for more than an hour there could be 14 inches of rain. I was like whoa! They said though that 14 inches would be the extreme. I hope so! My little house might float away.... = o ) It's OK though. I'll just be glad when it gets here and when it leaves. I'm glad though that the storms have take their time. I got to watch my "FRIENDS" tonight. It was a really good show...so funny! I'm so looking forward to next week.....Phoebe's wedding! YAY! Anywho, that is all for now! Later gator!
Well, I am going to get my entry in today as fast as I can. There are storms coming in and will be here in about an hour or so. The weather man said that it will be mostly rain with high winds and possibly some hail. And he said that he wouldn't rule out an isolated tornado at this time. So, I will be getting some candles out and just preparing for whatever happens. My day today has been pretty laid back. I watched tv, read some more in my book, and just spent time with Kent. I cooked us some pancakes and bacon. Since Kent goes into work at 4 I try and make us a some what big lunch. I worked out for about 45 minutes and I am about to go hop in the shower and get cleaned up. Then I am going to just lay around and watch NBC Must See TV Thursdays. Friends is a new one tonight, so I am hopefully going to watch it. That is if my satelite decides it wants to behave during the storm. We'll just have to see how that goes. I was going to tan, but with all the storms and what nots coming through I really don't want to get out in all that. If by some chance we do have a tornado here I will be able to run over to Granny's house next door and get in her basement. Hopefully, all we will have is some rain and winds. Anyway, I need to go. I have to go get a load of clothes out of the dryer. I'll talk with yall later! BYE!
Kent order a new exercise gadget for us to try out. It's called 6 second abs. It actually is pretty useful. I've worked out on it for two days and although I am not as sore as I would like to be, I think it is working. I have been working my abs for a little over a month now and I have built up some but nothing major yet. I still don't have the stomach I want. I really don't want the "six pack". I want more of a 4 pack. Right now I have like 2 that are slighty and I do mean slightly visible. So I guess I am going in the right direction. Anywho, my day was pretty easy. I roamed around the house, watched a little tv, made some lunch, and did some word search puzzles. I then went to my parent's house. I didn't tan though. I got a little burned when I went yesterday so I decided to give my body a rest. I try only to tan 4 or 5 days a week. I don't want to over do it. Anywho, that was mostly my day. I did test again for my fertility and it was still at low. Which that is good for now! Well, that is all for today. I'll talk with yall later!!!!!
You can blame this on my husband...he is just too cute!
But I love him!!!!!
Today was a blah kind of Monday. It was cloudy and rainy for most of the day. I was going to go walk at my local rec center, but for whatever reason I never made it. I did do about 15-20 of ab workouts. I went to my parent's house to tan. Kent and I took his little sister to her basketball game. They almost won. They lost by one point. Kent's parents are out of town on a cruise. So, we are helping take care of the kids. Kent's grandparents are keeping them though. We just help them when they need it. Anywho, after Kerith's game we went to see Seth play in his. They won! Which was great! That for the most part was my Monday...oh I washed clothes too.
Tomorrow I start my Clearblue East fertility tests. I am mainly doing it for me. To see if my body is back in order. I'm kind of excited about it. Only because we bought it like 4 months ago and never got to use it. I'll let yall know how it goes. 17 days and counting until I go to the doctor. I am so ready to get things going. I'll be so glad when we have permission to start trying again. But that is still a month or so away. After the tests I still have to wait 2 weeks to see my doctor. Then he will give me the results. So, if he thinks there still needs to be more testing done then it will be even longer until we can try again. For those who are counting...we have been trying to have a baby for 17 months now. It doesn't seem that long...but I guess when you look back on it...it really has been that long. Oh well. Keep praying for us. We really do appreciate it! Well, that is all for today! I'll talk with yall later!