Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Feelin' Good

Lately, I have been feeling good.  Not just emotionally but physically as well.  I have been eating right (for the most part) and exercising atleast 4 times a week.  I think by doing all the workouts that it has allowed me to release some of the stress that has bulit up over the months.  And lately I have been reading a lot.  And if you know anything about me, I don't really like to read.  I am more of a hands on kind of person.  I rather be moving around doing something rather than sitting still and reading.  But there is something peaceful and comfortable about curling up on the couch with a book and just reading a few chapters.  I'm hoping that this attitude lasts.  I know things will be hard at times and I know life is full of ups and me I have been there.  But it's nice when we have times where we really just feel good in our own skin.  Plus, I'm hoping that by being in good health and having a positive attitude will help in the trying to conceive department when it comes around.  Well, I am gone.  Kent will be home soon and I need to snuggle with him for awhile!  Later gator!

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