Thursday, February 5, 2004

Before the storms roll in.....

Well, I am going to get my entry in today as fast as I can.  There are storms coming in and will be here in about an hour or so.  The weather man said that it will be mostly rain with high winds and possibly some hail.  And he said that he wouldn't rule out an isolated tornado at this time.  So, I will be getting some candles out and just preparing for whatever happens.  My day today has been pretty laid back.  I watched tv, read some more in my book, and just spent time with Kent.  I cooked us some pancakes and bacon.  Since Kent goes into work at 4 I try and make us a some what big lunch.  I worked out for about 45 minutes and I am about to go hop in the shower and get cleaned up.  Then I am going to just lay around and watch NBC Must See TV Thursdays.  Friends is a new one tonight, so I am hopefully going to watch it.  That is if my satelite decides it wants to behave during the storm.  We'll just have to see how that goes.  I was going to tan, but with all the storms and what nots coming through I really don't want to get out in all that.  If by some chance we do have a tornado here I will be able to run over to Granny's house next door and get in her basement.  Hopefully, all we will have is some rain and winds.  Anyway, I need to go.  I have to go get a load of clothes out of the dryer.  I'll talk with yall later!  BYE!

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