Can someone please kiss my boo-boo??? I went today to take all my lab tests for the doctor. And when that lady stuck me with that needle I about freaked. I don't like needles at all, but I'm not all that afraid of them. But this lady...she by no means was gentle. And now I have a bruise... I guess I'll get over it though. I go back on March 4th @ 11:00am to see the doctor.
And we will know where we stand then. I am so anxious and ready to get it done. I'm worried though that they didn't get enough blood. I guess they did though....
After going to the doctor, Kent and I went to the Summit and went shopping at Old Navy. They had a lot of their Spring stuff out so I loaded up for Spring and Summer. Kent and I had a blast shopping. Usually I don't like shopping with Kent, but today it wasn't bad at all. We had fun.
Well, tomorrow I go and get my hair colored. I am so nervous. I am seriously hoping that it turns out pretty. If not I am going to die...seeing how I am spending some serious on this new do. Oh well. Well, that is all for now. I'll talk with yall later!!!!
She checked my blood work from last week and my beta was like 17,000 she wanted me to repeat it, so they took more blood. If it stayed the same than I am still pg, and I have to get another u/s in 2 weeks to find the h/b. I am so scared! I cannot stop crying. I don't understand why this is happening. All I can do is pray. My doc told me that having pg symptoms is a ++ b/c w/o a heart beat I'd have none. So I'm hanging on by a wing and a prayer.
Well, I got my u/s done, and the lady was not very nice. she didn't turn the screen so I could see, she just kept on doing scan after scan. She got 2 docs to look at the I was laying there, I kept on saying "Is there something wrong?" And they just kept on brushing me off with every question that I asked.
So I am freaking out. After the u/s the lady told me to wait in the waiting room while the doc called my doc at another hospital before I am allowed to know what is going on. So I start crying my eyes out in the waiting room, b/c I have this gut feeling somethin isn't right. About 45 min later, the lady takes me into another room where my doc is on the phone, so I take the phone, and my doc tell me that they couldn't find the heart beat in my baby.
I totally lost it. I still don't know how I am able to type this, but I need support, and I know that you ladies are great for that. My doc wanted me to come in to see her asap! So as I am trying my very best to keep it all together, my mom is lost for words as she was with me the whole time. When I went to see my doc she told me that the baby measured less then what my LMP was. It turns out that she had the wrong LMP date, which would make the baby on target.
Emily...I am not posting what happen to me onto my journal, because I am hanging on...I'm trying my best to keep positive, but it's just so hard. So if you want to respond, either email me, or leave it on yours....thanks.
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